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10-04-21 CD V3b AE
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2020 Census PL 94.171 Data
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John Michael Elsen
I like this map as it reflects the values of Midland and the surrounding communities. We have a legacy with Bay City and Saginaw, but we are growing more to the North and West. This map shows a strong correlation to the ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) values of Midland.
Joseph Sova - Drain Commissioner
Thank you for recognizing the Midland area watershed. It is so important to keep Midland, Isabella and Gladwin together given how inter connected they are. We saw this from the flooding in Midland in 2017 that was from the waters coming from Isabella and Gladwin and then in 2020 from Gladwin again.
Stefanie Sedlar
Gratiot County and Isabella Counties share an RESD. Please do not split them across 2 different Congressional Districts.
Lisa Lamancusa
This is the only map the Commission has drawn for a Congressional District including the Grand Rapids area that has a small Democratic voting majority. The other maps I see are Republican. There are many Democratic voters in West Michigan and they need to be represented fairly. Looks like adding Muskegon does this. Both cities are very similar. Also, there are many Black and Hispanic people in Muskegon and Grand Rapids. They need a representative to support them. Thanks for all your efforts.
Patricia Dawson
This district map gives a voice to the centers of largest minority populations in West Michigan (182,000 people total). Grand Rapids has the largest minority population in West Michigan and Muskegon has a large population as well
-This is a significant minority vote which deserves not to be diluted.
- Per the 1965/1975 Voting Rights Act, the minority population in West Michigan needs to be properly represented.
- Minority issues of equal opportunity, inclusion and human rights are continuing issues to be monitored and addressed
This map which includes Grand Rapids and Muskegon have much in common – so a Representative would not have to deal with conflicting priorities.
-Has Like Communities of Interest
-Significant center of Health Care Providers
-Concentration of the 11 primary higher education institutions in West Michigan
-Includes the primary Interstate freeways in West Michigan and their intersection (Interstates 96 and 131) these roads are corridors for the concentration of business and residential areas and attractions in West Michigan.
-These two city areas make up 77% of the population of this Congressional district
-There is a significant content of West Michigan manufacturing – automotive, office furniture, aerospace
Makeup of district is predominately working class.
-Much of the population lives in a more densely packed city environment
-There is a need for low-cost housing
-City services, fire/police/emergency service and public transportation are important
-Minority interaction with law enforcement has been an issue
-Public school education has challenges-
The other congressional map options drawn by the commission for the area including Grand Rapids disenfranchise the concentration of Democratic voters in Grand Rapids and Muskegon. Grand Rapids area in the #202/#203 map includes 492,000 people in the six-city area with 53% Democrats and the Muskegon area includes 104,000 people 56% Democrats. This is the significant concentration of Democratic voters in West Michigan and it should not be subject to gerrymander cracking. All the surrounding areas are strong Republican no matter how they are configured. This map will help address the overall state partisan fairness that is currently leaning Republican rather than Democratic as it should according to the overall state voting percentages.
The only other option for a Congressional District in West Michigan that supports the minority population and the large number of Democratic Voters with Grand Rapids as the basis is Map #201 which shows a district from Grand Rapids south to Kalamazoo.
The size and importance of Grand Rapids is deserving to be the cornerstone of a Congressional District
-Grand Rapids is second largest city in the State 565,000 people in the six-city area– Twice the size or larger than the next 8 biggest all around the Detroit area including Lansing.
-Center of activity in West Michigan – It is the busy center of commerce, urban/suburban residential population, entertainment, health care, higher education, air and land transportation, employment, and shopping. Adding Muskegon just reinforces these features.
Anthony Scannell
D1 loos like a bowtie. Hardly any difference than the collaborative one. Virtually just switches-out Warren for Taylor . . really couldn't come up with ANY other configuration for Detroit?
Cassandra M Foley
Midland should not be separated from the Bay City and Saginaw! The Tri-Cities and Flint should be in the same district so that there is a voice in Congress for their common interests. Midland is an active, growing city; we are not focused on rural concerns. This map ignores that fact.
District 10 is horrible. Western Oakland County does not belong in a district with the Thumb.
Michael McGaugh
This map is one of the best; however its not my favorite becuase it leaves behind Porter, Mt. Haley, Ingersol, and Warren and sends them to the Flint/Saginaw District.
Landon Weber
This is a great map in terms of partisan fairness, and in keeping districts fairly compact. While not perfect, I beleieve we see a big improvment in comparison to the highly partisan 8-5 R map that was devised previously. Well done! Also, I like the Lansing based district in this map.
Richard Cesaretti
Would much prefer to keep Midland County whole...but this is better than the other maps showing the City of Midland pulled from the rest of the Midland County community that it is critically a part of.
Sean M
I ask you to keep my county (Muskegon County) undivided on your congressional map. Maps 205, 200, 187 and 180 do this very well. Our county is very interconnected economically and culturally and would be poorly served by being divided between districts.
We are a lakeshore community with a maritime focused economy and lifestyles and as such share common interests with similar communities up and down the lakeshore like Holland, Grand Haven, Pentwater, and Ludington. Please group us with similar communities to our north and south, not with Grand Rapids to our east. Grand Rapids is a large city that dwarfs Muskegon. Your maps such as 203, 195 and others that try to connect us to Kent County would be a major detriment to our ability to have our unique concerns heard in Congress. Grand Rapids is not a maritime community, they are a large metropolitan city with very different concerns, and their size guarantees their voice would always be louder than ours. Muskegon would get ignored.
Greg Mayville
This is a horrible map. Putting the City of Midland in with counties north and west is totally the wrong way to go. The City of Midland should be put in with the Tri Cities. The City looks east and south and is not at all well placed on this map.
Molly Morrissey
This map is terrible! It places Alma which is a much smaller town than Midland in with Saginaw, Bay City and Flint. Midland is part of the Tri-Cities and should not be seperated from them.
Ethan Edward Fick
The Tri-cities and Flint should be within the same district. These regions share the same watershed, have similar economic activity, and share the same infrastructure. Further, the tri-cities and Flint are witnessing a declining population, due to a lack of new economic activity. Young people are leaving for college and not coming back. The only difference between these communities is their racial/ethnic make-up. Saginaw and Flint have significant Black communities, while Midland and Bay City are majority-white. Although, Bay City has a large Hispanic population. The individuals who believe these communities are different, only do so because of those racial differences. They rationalize this belief by stating they have more in common with the rural 2nd district. However, the only commonality they have with the 2nd district is that it is also majority-white. When these individuals say that they don't want to be within a district, which combines the tri-cities and Flint, because of so-called differences; They are talking about those racial differences. These beliefs are purely based on their individual racism.
Catherine A Macomber
I support this map. The Watershed of Saginaw Bay and beyond is an important community of interest that aligns with the northern sections of Bay county. Thank you.
Mary J Quehl
MUCH BETTER THAN SOME OF THE RECENT MAPS THAT SEPARATE MIDLAND FROM MIDLAND COUNTY! However I cannot understand with the reasoning that was involved in the development and submission of this map that you would remove the townships of Porter, Ingersol, Warren, and Mt Haley from us and put hem in with the metro Flint and Saginaw of which they have no community of interest similarities. Please put these townships back in with us.
Dennis Quehl
While I like this map much better than some of the more recent maps that put Midland in with metro areas like Bay City, Saginaw, and Flint and/or also separate Midland from Midland County; it still leaves out Porter, Warren, Mt Haley, and Ingersoll. Why would you send these small townships to the Saginaw and Flint districts? There is absolutely nothing that these small townships have in common from a distant huge metro area. No shared community of interest. One question that should be asked is the reasoning for pulling them out. It absolutely makes no sense at all and I do not believe that there is any data that can provide any similarities, but there is a lot which shows the dissimilarities.
Carl L Hamann
Midland county needs to stay on one district!!
Natalie Gingras Hazen
Not my favorite because it leaves behind Porter, Warren, Mt. Haley and Ingersoll and ships them to the Flint/Saginaw District. Happy it leaves the City of Midland with the rest of the County.
Aaron Majorana
This is a good map because it keep Midland County unified with Gladwin County to give this area a unified voice in flood recovery. These areas were heavily affected by flooding in 2020 and need a unified voice.
Mike Scott
This is a good map. This keeps the city of Midland with the rest of the rural areas around it. The City of Midland has little in common with Saginaw, Bay City and Flint so this map is a good representation of the people of Midland.
Jesseca Elza
Thank you for keeping the City of Midland together with Midland County.
My concern is the farming communities like Ingersoll, Mt. Haley, Porter and Jasper (also in Midland County) do not have much in common with Flint/Saginaw communities. Please reconsider adding them back to the rest of Midland County.
jane scott
Would prefer all of Midland County was kept whole but appreciate you kept city of Midland with our rural partners and watershed partners. Leaves behind Porter, Warren, Mt. Haley and Ingersoll, please consider adding them back in to the rest of Midland County. Thank you for recognizing city of Midland should go west.
Thank you for recognizing that the City of Midland should go west, but farming communities like Ingersoll, Mt. Haley, Porter and Jasper (also in Midland County) do not have much in common with Flint/Saginaw communities. Please reconsider adding them back to the rest of Midland County.
David Kepler
This Map reflect for District 2 a view of Counties and communities that are more aligned. I think for the Central Part of the State it reflects a better opportunity for community engagement with Elected officials
Doreen F Starner
Midland County should be kept whole.
Joseph Sova
This map is acceptable. Thank you for keeping the City of Midland in the westward facing portion of the district.
Amanda Oster
Thank you for recognizing that the City of Midland should go west, but farming communities like Ingersoll, Mt. Haley, Porter and Jasper (also in Midland County) do not have much in common with Flint/Saginaw communities. Please reconsider adding them back to the rest of Midland County.
Ted Dyson
Bad map. Divides Muskegon needlessly and draws half our county in with Grand Rapids where they will be overshadowed and ignored next to that huge city. Please adopt map #205. That is a much superior plan that keep Muskegon and adjacent lakeshore areas together as a community of interest, and allows Grand Rapids and it's surrounding suburbs to be their own separate community of interest focused on their own concerns.
katrhleen curell
This map took Midland out of the Great Lakes region, away the TRI CITIES and Flint, and grouped it with a big western area of the state. Im not at all in favor of it.
Denise Hartsough
It makes sense to include Kalamazoo and Battle Creek in the same district. Thank you for doing that.
cheryl scales
Keep Kent County together. Better that you have Rockford with Grand Rapids, but surrounding townships of Algoma and Courtland should be with Rockford in Kent County.
Jennifer Austin
Not in favor of this district at all. The City of Midland should be in District 11 with Saginaw, bay City and flint. Tuscola County should be with the Thumb, which would allow for more of Midland County in this district and less taking from Macomb and Oakland in the Thumb district.
This doesnt represent Troy, Rochester Hills and Sterling Heights.
Merlin Steffes
Kent, Ottawa, and Muskegon counties are being split so as to create a district favorable for a democrat. Folks, this is called gerrymandering. Check out the 3rd. "Independent Commission" since you are so determined towards splitting the City Of Grand Rapids up for state senate and rep. districts, advantage democrats, then surely you don't mind splitting the City Of Grand Rapids, democrat vote, into two different congressional seats
Diana Chirillo
Thank you. This seems excellent for Western Metro Detroit - more compact and regional. Jackson Cnty is kept whole too. Very much like how Novi/Northville ended up here. The current MI11 is the definition of gerrymandering by putting Western Wayne with Auburn Hills and this is a nice reset to regional representation. Please keep.
Cassandra M Foley
This map doesn't keep the Tri-Cities together in the same district. It ignores the strong ties that Bay City, Midland, Saginaw, and Flint have with regards to industry, medical systems, culture, and educational systems. Other maps are much better in supporting these communities.
Judah Karesh
Overall changes to Oakland County are a step in the right direction, but in my opinion this configuration is still somewhat flawed.
Southfield Twp (not the city to its south) is heavily white and makes no sense as part of a VRA district. Simple fix would be to exchange it for Oak Park and Royal Oak Twp (not the city to its north), which are majority Black, though this would leave #12 ~15k over and #9 ~15k under, but this could be solved by shuffling population through Novi and parts of Wayne county using #8 as an intermediary.
On a similar note, either Novi or Rochester/Rochester Hills would be a better fit for #9 than White Lake. I see two potential solutions. Solution one would be to add Rochester/Rochester Hills and push #11 north into #10, and add White Lake and most of Waterford into #10. Solution two would be to add all of Novi to #9 (I think this would more or less balance out, if the Southfield/Oak Park swap is made), add White Lake to #10, and find a way to shuffle pop into #8 from #10.
Lauren Lisi
I can't tell if I like this map or not because I HAVE NO IDEA IF IT IS FAIR.
Sharon Baseman
Version 10-05-21 v1 CD DW made much more sense for a good part of Oakland County. Putting Southfield/Lathrup Village with the other southeast Oakland County cities made far more sense. Breaking off Southfield/Lathrup Village/Beverly Hills/Franklin and putting them with that huge part of Wayne County makes no sense. Those cities should be kept with the neighboring communities of Oak Park, Huntington Woods, Ferndale, Berkley, Royal Oak, etc. as they were on the last iteration of this map. They have far more in common.
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