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Szetela House
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Kimberly Canty
None of the maps Represent Detroiter's we are split up on every map to ensure we have no political power and no control over our tax dollars being allocated to us and for us. Taxation without Representation another JIM CROW POLICY being re-instated. I have nothing in common with Grosse pointe, Sterling Heights, Dearborn, St. Clair Shores. The needs and wants are very different for other communities. Detroit is the Unicorn of the State needs are very different We are just Sharecroppers in the State of Michigan. Tax dollars are always diverted to another community. Via contracts or re-allocation THIS IS A JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!
Susan Evelyn Heeres
I like the District 9 map and that Albion is in with Battle Creek, but I do not like how it impacts the District 10 map which becomes completely Republican (i.e. Marshall and many small rural communities)
Rosalind J Cox
Each of the proposed maps give the majority of seats to the minority voters! No MI House map addresses the concerns heard from Detroit voters about being able to elect their own candidates.
Michael Malis
As far as I can tell, none of the State House maps preserve the Grandmont-Rosedale communities in one district. These five communities work together toward common interests in their area, and have a long and documented history of community advocacy. Splitting them up would lessen their impact, and would be detrimental to the west side of Detroit. I urge you to redraw the maps to preserve North Rosedale Park, Rosedale Park, Grandmont, Grandmont #1, and Minock Park in one district.
Peter Bane
Please keep working to draw fair MI House maps. None of them provide partisan fairness. Each awards a minority of voters with a majority of representatives. This one is bad. Others are worse. None of the maps address the concerns of Detroit voters about electing candidates of their choice.
Carolyn M Mayne
Keep Midland County whole
Alexa Ebeling
This map divides the Hispanic voters in Wyoming and groups them with other areas that do not represent them. The Pine V5, Magnolia and Hickory maps would keep the Hispanic community in Wyoming and Grand Rapids together to better represent their interests. Political candidates like Lily Schulting should not be pushing maps that split communities to serve their own interests rather than accurately representing the voters within the districts.
Christian Velasquez
Dragging a district out along a highway between two cities where it looks like a dumbbell is a clear sign of gerrymandering. This goes against intent of the vote for an independent redistricting commission.
Tim Brewer
I do not think this is choice makes sense and seems very intentional to water down rural viewpoints.
Gail Lozen
A district that divides Roseville would not be able to properly address the unique economic challenges, infrastructure needs and interests of Roseville's residents. We are a community of interest with a proud history. It is a community that has a significant population of older residents, as well as similar demographical and socioeconomic characteristics with a strong sense of togetherness and community. The proposed map dilutes and minimizes the importance Roseville has, as parts of Roseville would be split into two different districts, and would be anchored to different municipalities with significantly different needs and interests than Roseville.
Roseville has a strong working-class background that deserves fair representation by its state house member. Roseville is a city that is around 5 square miles and is a major transit area that is serviced by interstates, I-94 and I-696, and two major state highways (M-1 Gratiot/M-97 Groesbeck). Roseville has created a downtown and has successfully redeveloped the Macomb Mall. We have heavy industrial and manufacturing areas along M-97 Groesbeck (which goes through similar communities of Warren and Clinton Township) that are in need of redevelopment and rejuvenation. The proposed map does a disservice to the community by dividing our voice and placing us in districts where Roseville’s needs will not be addressed or be an afterthought. Any map should include the entirety of the city of Roseville in a state house district, which none of the current maps do. Please make changes to this map to keep the community of interest together.
Kathy A Swartz
Pine is a better option than this map. This map does not keep communities of interest together.
Marie Colombo
There are no fair MI House maps…please create a new map that that does not give the majority of seats to the minority of voters and that addresses the concerns of Detroit voters.
Scott G Miller
Keep City of Midland separate from Bay City.
Katherine Miller
Keep City of Midland separate from Bay City.
Joan Miller
Do not split City of Midland from Midland County.
M Dame
I am very disappointed in the State Rep maps presented. I have to agree with SOOO many people who stated the maps have been gerrymandered to falsely promote “political fairness” while at the same time dismissing “communities of interest”. This experiment in “redistricting” is proving to be a farce. I have to agree with the masses who believe your prioritizing process has been unconstitutional and I hope these maps are challenged in court.
David Johnson
Keep Midland and Gladwin counties together and whole.
Charlee Simanskey
Please keep Midland and Gladwin united by preserving and respecting current geographic boundaries and keeping the Tittabawassee watershed communities together.
Scott William Miller
Strongly opposed to the Szetela House map.
Brenda Guest
No to the Szetela House map. The shape of this map screams GERRYMANDERING. Stop the pluck. Keep Midland and Midland County whole and aligned with Gladwin. We do not belong with Bay City and Saginaw.
Anne Van Hulle
Dissecting Midland City out of Midland County is not in the best interest of the people. This map is so wrong.
R & B Keenan
USE COMMON SENSE! Representation voices the community’s needs and isn’t about political correctness or political advantage. This IS NOT a map that joins like communities.
Gaye Terwillegar
This map is the most agregious of all the maps- totally unacceptable!!!
Todd Cassiday
No. As indicated supporting the Lange Map and disapproving of the Chestnut Map, a skewed & sliced/diced Midland county makes no sense in best representing residents & businesses.
Chris Moultrup
This is the most gerrymandered map proposed and needs to be eliminated. There should be no district in this shape in any map that moves forward.
Mary Kay Maas
Separating Coe Twp from the rest of Isabella County is certainly gerrymandering. This map divides come counties and not others, but no township should stand alone. Local governments of Coe Twp (twp and village) work and partner with the County and other townships. Residents of Coe Twp work and shop in Isabella County. Coe Township does not routinely work/partner with Midland County governements. Coe Township should not be separated from Isabella County.
Martha Magurno
Stongly opposed to the Szetela House Map. The City of Midland must be connected to Midland County and Midland County connected to Gladwin county as per the Lange Map.
Brad Blasy
Bad idea.
dislike this map
Nomi Joyrich
This is not the worst of the House maps, but it would result in an election that does not reflect the way we vote.
Patrick Smith
This map is unacceptable
Sarah Woolsey
I am deeply concerned about this map in the Grand Rapids metro area. It disregards similar communities - Eastown has a distinct culture that is different from the western part of the county, Cascade includes the Grand Rapids airport and utilizes city water and sewer services, and the Hispanic communities in Grand Rapids and Wyoming are split. This map does not represent our area well.
Robert G Dvorak
This map disconnects these 2 important cites from their respective counties and makes very little legislative sense.
Justin Scott
If you want to know what gerrymandering is look at Midland county. We need to keep Midland County whole. This map is terrible.
Mike Scott
This map is awful. When you look up the definition of gerrymandering, this map would be the example given. No to this map.
Kevin S
Jane Scott
This map makes no sense. Crazy lines that do not define our true community of the city of Midland with the rest of Midland county.
Cathy Lunsford
This map does not work at all and makes no sense. This map splits the City of Midland up from Midland county and it appears to be literally "reaching" out to include the City with Saginaw making it very disjointed and not including City of Midland with County of Midland and Gladwin County.
Mary Ann Allore
This is removing my entire community of Norvell Township from its current Jackson County community of Interest! Please keep communities intact and keep to the promises made to us back in 2018 – to follow contiguous Communities of Interest submitted by the people of Michigan.
Kelly Schrubba
This map does not make sense. It is splitting the votes. · Please Keep Working! There are no fair house maps to choose from!
Please review! All the proposed House maps suggest the majority of seats will go to the minority of voters!
As of yet, despite all the work everyone has done, No MI House map addresses the concerns heard from Detroit voters about being able to elect their own candidates
Robert Keaney
I'm not in most of the communities being splintered by this map, but you folks on the commission are doing a great job. I'm sure this process is very difficult and you can't please everyone, but I respect you're doing the best you can. Thanks again for your continuing effort!
Rebecca S Smith
It seems that the person who proposed this map is totally out of touch with the mid Michigan counties and desires of the people who live here. Does not make sense.
Kathy Ling
I wish to express strong objection to this map that separates Coe Township and the Village of Shepherd from the rest of Isabella County. As a former member of the Isabella County Board of Commissioners during the late 70’s and early 80’s and as a Mt. Pleasant City Commissioner for 12 years including serving as Mayor in 2013, 2016 and 2017, I have had the opportunity to work with all the units of government in Isabella County. Coe Township is very much a part of the cooperative spirit that exists among the various levels of local government within the county, especially the villages, townships and the city on the east side of the County. Because of the sharing of the regional educational district, the cooperation among the various social services, fire and police agencies and the collaborative work with the Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Government these eastern local governmental units really function as a community of interest.
Overall, I believe that the MICRC has done an excellent job of dealing with the very difficult process of redistricting. I believe the Congressional and State Senate maps meet all the criteria. I also understand the decisions that have been made concerning majority/minority districts and believe that those decisions are intended to enhance the interests of minority residents in the State. My preference on the House maps would be the Hickory map.
Thank you for all the hard work and the commitment you have made to help make elections in Michigan a better reflection of the will of the citizens.
Joseph Lunsford
This map fractures Midland County and makes the least sense. Almost 55 years in Midland County and I would like to continue to share interests with friends and family to the north and west.
James Cameron Hart
I don't believe this map follows the spirit of fairness and was designed with gerrymandering in mind. It appears this map promotes special interest groups rather than communities of interest. Please do not use this map.
This map has unfair partisan scores and should not be used. The Constitution requires that partisan fairness be prioritized.
Zvonko Blazevski
I believe this map should keep Roseville whole and not split up the city of Roseville into two different House seats. The two most northern precincts in Roseville share similar political, economic and sociological characteristics that merit keeping the city of Roseville in the same State House district, which differs vastly from Harrison Township or Chesterfield Township. Roseville would benefit staying together as a community of interest. The two precincts in Roseville that goes all the way to Chesterfield shares very little in common with Harrison Township or Chesterfield Township. Roseville and Fraser share a district court and have similar county commission lines. Roseville also shares municipal services with neighboring communities such as Fraser, Eastpointe and St. Clair Shores and have partnership agreement with its northern neighbor Clinton Township.
Zvonko Blazevski
I believe this map should keep Roseville whole and not split up the city of Roseville into two different House seats. The two most northern precincts in Roseville share similar political, economic and sociological characteristics that merit keeping the city of Roseville in the same State House district, which differs vastly from Harrison Township or Chesterfield Township. Roseville would benefit staying together as a community of interest. The two precincts in Roseville that goes all the way to Chesterfield shares very little in common with Harrison Township or Chesterfield Township. For example, Roseville and Fraser share a district court and have similar county commission lines. Roseville also shares municipal services with neighboring communities such as Fraser, Eastpointe and St. Clair Shores and have partnership agreement with its northern neighbor Clinton Township.
Laurence Rosen
While biased REpublican, the Szetela House map is better than some others. Nonetheless, it splits Lansing into 2 pieces--one is overwhelmed by rural areas of Clinton County and the other is linked with Lansing's southern suburbs. The 75th district (East Lansing and Meridian is attached to a very large rural area in Clinton County. the 73rd district (most of Ingham County is overwhelmingly white and rural. The placement of MSU in this district makes little sense as those students who do vote will be completely overwhelmed by the rest of rural Ingham County.
joan Long
Regarding State house map Szetlla, I strongly disapprove of this map for many reasons - one of which is Ada should be linked to metro Grand Rapids, as they have communities of interests.
Jennifer Majorana
Ok, I appreciate the commissioners' job is not easy. BUT. This map is honestly...disgraceful. Please, please, please. Your maps will affect constituents for many generations - and how can I explain this to them? Nothing about this map makes any sense. Say NO to Szetela House map. Keep Midland County whole and do NOT lump us in with Bay City, with whom we are NOT a community of interest. Concerned citizens beware!!
J Michael Dizer
Talk about gerrymandering! This map looks like something a politician would draw. Totally ridiculous, especially separating the City of Midland from the rest of Midland County!
Christa Krohn
Please do not connect the city of Midland with Bay County.
Kathleen Thorrez
I dislike this map since it connects with Ann Arbor which has nothing in common with our rural region of Jackson County.
Karen Lynn Lindholm
Stay out of Ann Arbor
Michelle Wilbur
I dislike this map as it ties Jackson county with Ann Arbor.
Jon Lynch
City of Midland should not be removed from Midland County
Mary Lou McEwan
This statehouse 'robot arm' map connects City of Midland to Bay City. Keep Midland City connected to Midland County and Gladwin County. No Gerrymandering.
Francis A McEwan
This statehouse 'robot arm' map connects City of Midland to Bay City. Keep Midland City connected to Midland County and Gladwin County. No Gerrymandering.
Aaron Majorana
The "robot arm" lives on! The very definition of gerrymandering. This is a terrible map that divides Midland County and places Midland in a very narrow district that connects to Bay City. As someone who lives in Midland and visits Bay City often, there is nothing in common between these two cities. Midland County deserves a unified voice.
Margaret Harrison
Allegan County needs to be complete under one district.
This suggestion for Midland County and its neighbors is a legislative nightmare. What are you thinking???? Reminder, You are suppose to be representing "The People".
David E Kepler ii
This is a really strange map for Midland and Bay City, and especially unfair for Midland and Gladwin County
Daniel Kozakiewicz
I do not support this map.
Cindy Kallgren
A Gerrymandered Masterpiece. Did you actually carve out voting districts to get the right effect? No. No. No.
Amanda Oster
This map is just ridiculously wrong.
Abbie Egherman
This map like the other state house maps unfairly distorts the legislative body in Lansing by giving an unfair advantage to a single party and makes our state appear much more partisan than it actually is. We live in a purple state and our legislative body should reflect that.
Stokes S. Baker
For the past 30 years, Harper Woods has been manipulated to support one party or the other. Originally, it was placed in Grosse Pointe (Old District 1) to ensure Republican control. When Representative Tim Bledsoe flipped the 1st District to the Democrats, the next redistricting cycle shoved Harper Woods into Detroit to reduce the number of Democratically controlled seats. This map places Harper Woods (heavily Democratic) together with St. Clair Shore (largely Republican). This is going to be a swing district. For Harper Woods, I feel this is a fair map.
Blake G
Keep Saint Clair Shores together!
Carole J Chi
Again, this is NOT a good map; it has more red dots throughout the state than HICKORY House Map. So please pick HICKORY HOUSE MAP. Hickory has the lowest Republican bias of the three collaborative maps and the most majority-Black districts. Remember: Partisan Fairness, competitive districts--to END Gerrymandering--is what Prop 2 was all about. thank you! Choose HICKORY.
Cheryl Depner
This is a better representation for our community for the state house map. We do share some schools and community activities in this map area. I approve of this map.
Drew Wagener
Hell no!
Szetela strikes again with their embarrassing attempt at adulting.
This is an unfair map. The Constitution requires partisan fairness, which this map does not provide.
Daniel Schifko
This map does not represent communities of interest.
Quinn Whittaker
Why do all of these maps split west Dearborn into two separate districts? Also, the boundary line that divides west Dearborn looks ridiculous.
Rachelle M Smit
All proposed maps for Allegan are bad. They weaken our voice for our community and carve up the county far too much. It appears the commission is intentionally breaking the county up for political gain!
Alex Weddon
Szetela map LIKE. best of the others. Thanks.
Rebecca Mayer
I like this map as it keeps more of Jackson County whole and keeps Waterloo Township in Jackson County.
Eric Kyle Schichl
this district seems better and balances the disricts left and right leaning locations
Larry Schuelke
This is the worst of the maps. This breaks up Midland and separates it from townships right next to it with common interests and Sanford only to link it with the distant Bay City. Talk about Gerrrymandering! This is awful.
Carly Moran
While it keeps Hillsdale County intact, it absolutely shreds Jackson County. I also see some similar issues with neighboring Lenawee.
Stephen Sadlier
This map is unacceptable. Please keep Troy whole, an intact COI.
Melitz Mike
david Berry
This map looks like Lenawee Co. is being split up into four separate districts. Typically, "rural" area folks might see this map as a splitting up of the community. The MAGNOLIA map is the best.
Stephen Stackable
This is poor map as it divides Midland city from Midland county. Midland city is gerrymandered in this proposal into odd shaped district, trying to appease someone political interests.
Elizabeth Bonner
I prefer Magnolia
Elizabeth Bonner
I prefer Magnolia
Margaret Weber
Do not split up the Grandmont Rosedale neighborhoods: North Rosedale, Rosedale Park, Grandmont, Grandmont 1, and Minock Park. These 5 neighborhoods have worked collaboratively for decades, to the benefit of all residents.
Margaret Weber
This map, like all proposed State House maps, gives the majority of seats to the minority of voters! Keep working, even if it delays the process!
Gary Stark
Poor map. For too long the highly urban suburb of East Grand Rapids has been grouped with rural districts to the north, gerrymandering our voice. We belong with Kentwood and Cascade 2 very similar suburbs. End gerrymandering in West Michigan by adopting fairer maps, like the Hickory map.
Kim Bergs
Too many communities of interest split up on this map. No more gerrymandering. This map is very unfair
Kelly Grotendiek
This new map splits Allegan county into 3 districts. Keep Allegan together!
Christy Mayo
This is a very bad map for us. As a Cascade resident, we should NOT be grouped with the rural farms. We are a suburb of Grand Rapids and should be grouped with Grand Rapids/Kentwood.
Please keep Madison Heights as a community whole in their representation. This map separates one precinct from the rest of the community.
Victoria Gutowski
This map does not achieve the partisan fairness required by the Michigan Constitution (although it is the least unfair of all the maps under consideration). While I applaud the inclusion of Leelanau County with Grand Traverse as a community of interest, elsewhere in the state needs more work. Please keep working.
Hickory is the least unfair. Partisan fairness must be prioritized.
Eric Cadeau
Baraga County appears to have compatible economic interests at Marquette County. Both counties have a robust commercial forest industry, they depend on tourism, and medical care industries, they both have significant State of Michigan agency employers, they share the financial benefits of the Eagle Mine, they also share similar relationships with the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community. Although the political tendencies differ between these communities, I feel that Baraga can be well represented when paired with Iron, Marquette, and Alger Counties.
Alex Bork
Great map!
Alex Bork
Great map!
Aram Nersesian
Oh boy! It's my favorite cereal: Oops! All Gerrymandered!
In all seriousness, keep Allen Park and Melvindale together. The two towns are like two peas in a pod.
Cassandra M Foley
If this map were selected, it would give two of the Tri-Cities a legislator who could work more effectively for the very similar interests of these mid-sized cities. It has the best score for partisan fairness and would thus give both parties a chance to win.
Nancy Mroczkowski
The Commission has missed the boat with this map for Grand Rapids. Districts with like characteristics and requirements are divided up. It will be difficult for a representative to do justice to these districts. Numbers indicate that this is the most unfair map for Michigan.
Danielle Fergin
This map does a great job of eliminating political bias. I appreciate Midland being kept with Bay. I think this is the 2nd best map next to Hickory.
Constance Woods
Too many cities are being sliced and diced. Makes it very difficult for a representative to support the needs of his/her community.
This map was designed by the Republican party and is not balanced. I don't like this map for that reason.
Anne Wallin
I appreciate that this map keeps Midland and Bay City together. Many people move between the two to live and work. Both cities have long-standing industries and similar public policy priorities. It also provides a district that is very competitive which is very important to me in the hopes that elected officials will actually listen to a broad spectrum of voters and represent the whole district. "Safe" seats are an impediment to broad representation of voter interests and priorities. This is my preferred map for the House, but Hickory is my second choice.
Gwen Hejna
Hickory is the least unfair. Including Szelela, All House option have a strong right partisan bias.
Lisa P LaGrou
I dislike this map. This is not a good redistricting plan.
Sarah Bryant
I live in Coe Township and I think this is a terrible map. I see no benefit to remove us from Isabella County. I do most of my shopping in Isabella County. My kids and I utilize the library in Mt. Pleasant and my community involvement is in Isabella County. Also, I do not feel I will be properly represented as part of Midland County.
Matthew Showaletr
I live in Coe Township and serve on both a local school board and the Gratiot-Isabella RESD board. Combining Coe Township with Midland County to create a MI House district makes no sense. We have limited contact/cooperation with Midland County and no shared services. Coe Township needs to be kept with Isabella County as we have shared services with other Townships and our state level representation should be consistent across our county.
Patti Sandel
I have to shake my head at the thought of separating Coe Township from Isabella County. Two previous comments regarding this mention gerrymandering, education, economic, and environment which I totally agree with. Another factor to consider is Coe Township's relationship and proximity with the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe. There are tribal members who are residents in Coe Township and their culture is felt throughout Isabella County. To disconnect this community does not make sense
Brandell Adams
The entirety of Bridgeport Charter Township has historically been in the same House district as the City of Saginaw. We are one and the same community and are tied together culturally and economically. It would be a great disservice to the citizens of Bridgeport to share representation with communities that are more rural in composition when Bridgeport has a dynamic mix of urban, suburban and rural constituencies. As a Trustee of Bridgeport Charter Township, I have a unique and personal perspective and can tell you that Bridgeport voters want to remain aligned closely to the City of Saginaw. Please do everything in your power to include the whole of Bridgeport Charter Township in the same House district as the City of Saginaw.
Donna Farris
Like communities of interest are not kept together around Grand Rapids in this map. Also, the map is the poorest in terms of partisan fairness for Michigan. Please do not vote for this map.
Jennifer Austin
I really like this map. It has the best partisan fairness scores out of all the proposed house maps and gives Midland and Bay City a district with nearly a perfect zero political bias. If this map is available right away for the vote, I want Szetela's house map, but if it is not Hickory is the best alternative choice.
Candice Ferrell
A rural community in Monroe County is a different community of interest from Taylor which is closer to an urban community. Our county with a low population is being split up into 4 different districts? Rural areas should be grouped with other rural areas.
Patrick Richardson
I like the Szetela State House map the best. While none of the proposed State House maps are good, the Szetela map keeps more of Jackson county whole and keeps Waterloo Township in Jackson County. Waterloo is a very rural area, as is most of Jackson county. From a ‘community of interest’ perspective, Jackson County is a much better fit for Waterloo Township than Washtenaw County. If you aren’t going to create any new State House maps, please adopt this Szetela State House map. It does a much better job of satisfying the ‘communities of interest’ objective for the County of Jackson. Thank you.
Cary Fleischer
Do not select this map. Ada and Cascade residential townships are included in district 79 with very rural townships in Kent County and other townships outside the county in Barry and Allegan townships. This is a breakup of urban/suburban Grand Rapids. Also, suburban cities with common communities like Wyoming are broken into multiple districts. Totally counter to any semblance of communities of common interest.
cheryl scales
This is basically ok, but would be better if all of northern Kent County together
Karen Weideman
Please Keep Working! There are no fair house Maps that are less unfair, are still unfair. We want maps that are actually fair.
Dorothy Munson
This is a poor district map for the Grand Rapids area. It splits like districts apart. The result will be that like areas will not be easily represented. This map is the most unfair of the House maps.
Ethan Holmes
I agree with Joel. Barry County should be kept together, not split three ways.
David Hopkinson
This is my #2 among MI House map. Hickory is a better map. Still contains partisan bias. Violates Constitutional criterion but would be an acceptable map if you are not going to start one on the MI House maps. Please consider possibility to start over on MI House maps.
Claire Ott
Please keep working on these maps. PLEASE.
Michael Wytychak III
The Szetela Map is the ok, but I urge the Commissioners to improve upon it.
Jacqueline Dilley
Each proposed map gives the majority of votes to the minority of voters. This would be completely unfair to Detroit voters!
Emily Jernberg
There are no fair house maps to choose from. Detroit voters are stating that they have no way to elect their own candidates. This and all other proposed MI House maps does not address that concern. We want maps that are actually fair so that our democracy can function. PLEASE keep working! Thank you.
Carrie Hatcher-Kay
None of the MI House maps addresses the concerns heard from Detroit voters about being able to elect their own candidates. PLEASE maintain the mission of your commission: give fair representation to every individual across the state. In this and in ALL the house maps, the majority of seats goes to the party with the minority of voters!
Michael Cameron
I like the Szetela State House map the best. It keeps more of Jackson county whole and keeps Waterloo Township in Jackson County. Waterloo is a very rural area, as is most of Jackson county as a whole
Erin MacGregor
Whatever happened to keeping the districts as square as possible? Isn't that supposed to be a main goal when redistricting occurs? Why is it assumed that people have the same interests/opinions just because they are the same race or ethnicity? That's an offensive assumption.
This map is a terrible mess.
Connie M
The Hickory map is the least unfair. Partisan fairness must be prioritized.
Joel Ibbotson
Just like I commented on the Hickory, Pine V5 and Magnolia maps, I dislike that this map splits Barry County into 3 districts. The people of Barry County are very much like minded with many of the same goals. We should be represented as such. We should be represented in a way we can unify our voice to implement effective change the way we have been.
Drew Beckman
This map also breaks up Sterling Heights into three districts which is not necessary. Sterling Heights could be kept in two house districts. Overall, this plan appears to be relatively fair, although close elections may produce results giving the minority party a majority in the legislature. Look at data from the 2020 Presidential Election to confirm if this map is still fair.
Bob Knaack
Do not carve up Allegan, we don’t want to be carved up in this crazy way.
Sharon Houck
The Szetela is supposed to be the best of the 4 House Maps? It still divides Jackson County. Please do not take away the voices that need to be heard in Jackson County. Keep it fair. Thank you
John Chapman
No good choice for house. This is the nearest to acceptable.
Joel Ombry
Cascade and Ada Townships are more a part of the metro Grand Rapids area than the rural areas to the east. This map is not a good fit for the region.
Joel Ombry
Eastown is very distinct and unlike the western part of Kent County. It shouldn't be lumped together with it. One of multiple reasons this isn't a good map for the region. Please reject it. Thank you.
Joel Ombry
Please do not use this map. Wyoming should not be split up as it dilutes the Hispanic population voice in the area. Wyoming is also the second largest city in the area and deserves a voice in the state house. Thank you.
Garrett Brown
I’m a former mayor of Albion. Thank you for reconnecting Albion and Battle Creek into one community of interest! This makes sense because Albion and Battle Creek are similar in terms of post-industrial economies and racial demographics. Albion is approximately 30% Black/African American. Severing Albion’s political ties with Battle Creek would do serious harm to the political power of Black residents whose families relocated to both communities during the Great Migration-era.
Jasmine McKenney
This map is terrible and runs the risk of Flint not having representation from a Flint resident in Lansing with the unique needs of the City of Flint-with even more complications from the aftermath of the water crisis Flint needs its own representation in Lansing. This map will not achieve that.
Casey Adams
This creates a competitive map just like it is now. Several Republicans and Democrats have one this seat in the past decade. Keep it the way it is.
Chris Wingate
Very obvious gerrymandering for partisan reasons. Does not follow constitutional guidelines. Magnolia is best choice
Kim K Lindsey
If you like abstract art, this is your map. Otherwise the best choice out of a basket of bad choices is the Magnolia map.
Stephen J Young
Allegan County belongs all together, not diced up into multiple parts and pieces.
Joan Long
Ada should be linked to the west with Grand Rapids because Ada and Grand Rapids are both metro areas. Ada is NOT rural and should not be linked to rural areas. Thank you.
Vivian Conner
Barry County has approximately 66,000 people. It makes no sense to be split into three districts. I am not sure what Fennville residents have in common with Bellevue residents.
Dennis Murphy
I think this map does a disservice to several communities of Interest.
The Hispanic Community could have been kept together as a community of Interest along the Grandville Corridor Roosevelt Park area of Grand Rapids as well as as far east as even Madison Street.
Cascade Township is in District 79 and really should be attached to East Grand Rapids as a suburb of the metro area rather than part of the largely rural areas outside of that area such as Alaska and Alton.
Placing East Town with a largely Westside all the way out to Standale is in such an anomaly.
it would be far more appropriate to Place East Town in District 82 or with the Northeast section of Grand Rapids especially with the river as a dividing point
Finally Granville and Walker are pretty much very similar cities and should have been kept together instead they're being used to gerrymander out sections like East Town which has nothing in common with Walker and the Hispanic District of Granville Road which has nothing to do with the rest of Wyoming really
this is not a good map
Penny K Wingate
I do not like the division in my neighboring counties, not keeping these communities of interest intact. My approval goes to Magnolia
Jay R Taylor
Terrible split of Oakland County just to please and reward Democrat strongholds. Need to keep large cities intact and have smaller townships intact.
Gayle Steele
I approve this composition of the 49th District. It reflects the relationship that communities have with each other that sit along the I-96 and US-23 Corridors. This district also reflects the relationship that Green Oak and Brighton has with South Lyon / Lyon Twp and Milford respectively. Many people in the Livingston County commute to Oakland County.
I also approve how Livingston County is split. The 50th District represents the rural half of the County, whilst the 48th District represents the exurban/suburban half of the County. Good work.
M. Radtke
This map is a racial gerrymander, removing the largest minority concentration of Sterling Heights residents - pct. 5. This is the area directly west of Hayes and south of 15 mile road. Removing African American residents from the greater districts in Sterling Heights cuts them off from the community in which they live and want representation.
Constance Lippert
This is not a good map because it favors one party over the other. Please make our maps politically fair & equal so each party has an equal chance of reflecting the actual number of votes. Thank You
Valentino Zavala
Anyone with eye sight can see what this is. This is a complete and utter flim-flam sleight of hand land grab that slow walks Downriver and Western Wayne with eyes wide shut into the throes of a central cities (Detroit.) The next goal, strip local away autonomy and identity then proclaim by decree we are Detroit. We can pay pad their coffers and pay their taxes. No voice, no representation. The whole reason why Downriver and Western Wayne were prepared to succeed from Wayne county for Erie county nearly thirty years ago.
Ada Michigan is not a rural area it is a suburban area not farms and should be linked with the west side of the Grand Rapids area because things like housing, water, fire would be shares communities of interests.
Eastown is part of the Northeast side of Grand Rapids not the Northwest. Northwest and Eastown would not be a community of interest.
Walker and Grandville are two cities of interest and should be kept together as many people work, shop and travel between these areas.
The airport which is in Cascade Township is a major hub for the Grand Rapids Metro area it does not have the same needs or interests as rural areas so it should be kept with the urban House districts.
Wyoming and Grands Rapids share a large Hispanic community that should be kept together so they are represented in our State House.
Wyoming is the second largest city in the Grand Rapids area and should be kept together as one community of interest with its own State House district.
merlin steffes
Another bias map for the democrat socialist party.
Yim Kong
This district map is totally counter to the Hickory map. Ethnic communities are divided so their representation is not good. Please do not select this map for west Michigan
Abbie Egherman
This map like the other state house maps unfairly distorts the legislative body in Lansing by giving an unfair advantage to a single party and makes our state appear much more partisan than it actually is. We live in a purple state and our legislative body should reflect that.
Lisa Lamancusa
Do not agree with this map. For a State House district, Ada township and Cascade township should not be included with rural areas in Kent Allegan and Barry counties. Both of these townships should be with the Grand Rapids six city area like in the Hickory, Pine V5 or Magnolia maps.
Jerry Jaloszynski
After further examination of the proposed State House maps, I've come to the conclusion that the Szetela House Map is the most gerrymandered of them all. The map is full of odd-shaped districts. We sold the independent redistricting commission to the public with the promise of no more gerrymandered districts favoring one party or the other. This map fails to perform to the intent of the voters and should be rejected.
Suzanne Perkins
This is the best map but it doesn't go far enough to represent partisan fairness. Please create a new map that is fair.
Liam Smith
During the great migration, many African Americans moved to the Calhoun County area in Albion and Battle Creek for jobs. The VRA requirements in the redistricting commissions mandates state that African Americans and other people of color need to be given a voice so that their votes aren't drowned out. Leaving Albion and Battle Creek intact in one district helps with their representation in the state legislature. Most people don't see their state legislative map as their "community" so issues related to school districts and such aren't really relevant to most folks. It should be cultural similarities and economic engines that determine a state legislative map community of interest. I don't want as much cracking and packing in these maps and this does a good job for a district.
frances lichtman
Isolating Coe Township from the rest of Isabella County divides several Communities of Interest:
1. Educational-Coe Township is part of the Gratiot-Isabella Intermediate School District.
2. Economic-The primary shopping area for Coe Township residents is the City of Mt. Pleasant in Isabella County.
3. Social Services-The Gratiot-Isabella United Way serves vulnerable Coe Township citizens.
4. Environmental-Like many townships in Gratiot and Isabella counties, Coe Township has invested in wind energy.
Pat Dawson
Not a good map for the West Side of Grand Rapids. Why is Eastown and Wilcox park in 81 northwest district-they are way east of the Grand River. We are West Siders and have our own unique polish neighborhoods, churches and local businesses.
81 I can see us being with Grandville because my grandson lives in walker but goes to Grandville schools
I would say Wyoming should be together in a district as there are many Spanish people there. Maybe need to add some of grand rapids there to keep the Spanish together.
Jerry Jaloszynski
Of all the proposed maps being considered for federal Congressional and State Senate and House Districts, the Szetela House Map is the only one not keeping Isabella County whole. Taking one township and making it part of a district to the east simply doesn't make sense. Do not adopt this poorly drawn map. Keep Isabella County whole!
Melanie A Kurdys
One more general comment. Why in the world are you analyzing these communities based on race? If my neighbor is a different race than me, we still have more in common than someone of my same race who lives in an entirely different type of community, rural vs urban for example. Perhaps that is why you are having so much trouble drawing fair maps that respect communities.
Melanie A Kurdys
Why is there not a single map that keeps Allegan County intact or with just 2 Representatives as we are today? We are a community of interest, with many similar communities and interests. The obvious gerrymandering is a disappointment given the message from the community when the commission was voted for. Please try again.
Jeff Alan Schaeper
Why is the largest city in Oakland County being split? This makes no sense and violates COI guidelines. I fail to see how West Sterling Heights have a stronger connection to East Troy as we don't share schools, library, police, fire and other essential services. This map should be rejected.
Matthew D. Horwitt
All House maps are unfair, but Szetela is much better than Pine or Magnolia. Consider going back to drawing board. These maps should be better. Thanks for unpacking Democrats in Lansing area.
Zach Rudat
At the very least I would understand a Lansing or East Lansing based seat dipping into Bath or DeWitt, but anything beyond that into Clinton County makes no sense from a COI standpoint. The Clinton County/Grand Ledge district you guys initially had maintained the County COI and created a competitive seat. Had you kept that, took Delta Township and the western part of Lansing Township into the rest of Eaton County, you still would have ended up with 4 dem seats and a swing seat like you have on this. If we're going to accept that cities can be COIs we should be doing the same with counties too. Please take Capital region COIs into more consideration.
Sam Chu
The district lines of 80, 81, 82 Southwest side are awful. We have a Chinese restaurant in Kentwood. Most of our customers come from East Grand Rapids and Cascade as well as Kentwood. The people are all similar in middle class economics and lifestyles. Looking forward to Have a State Representative in one district that services all my customers.
All the areas in the six cities (Grand Rapids, Kentwood, Wyoming, Grandville, Walker and East Grand Rapids) along with the townships of Grand Rapids, Cascade, Ada and South Plainfield should be kept together when drawing the State House maps. These are the core of the Greater Grand Rapids city and suburban area. Population in this area makes 5 districts.
Mark A Evans
Please don’t create a Lake Shore districts. I understand the Lake shore has unique challenges. however, everyone in the Allegan County has a stake in this lakeshore. Allegan County is very cut up. County lines need to be respected as best they can be. (All these maps have same issue for Allegan)
Jillyn Schultz
I don't feel like people who supported an independent redistricting commission are feeling the love in this map. Take #43 for instance. Ann Arbor then extending west to include Mike Shirkey's home town in Clarklake? This map is an abomination.
Bruce Roller
I am Bruce Roller, Director of the UCOM food bank and neighborhood support services organization for over 35 years located in the Wyoming City suburb of Grand Rapids Hispanic area and one of the primary food banks in the Grand Rapids area food bank alliance. This map divides the Hispanic community in Wyoming so they will not have good representation. In addition, this map divides all the Grand Rapids area minority populations indiscriminately in different districts so representation on these key issues would be fractured.
Susan Andrews
This is probably the best House map. Pine and Magnolia are really bad. They assure Republican majorities in the House no matter what voters think. Hickory is much better than Pine and Magnolia.
Allen Salyer
Keep all of Troy, Michigan together: Do not split Troy. No part of Troy should be in Macomb County.
Karen Lawrence
We are Grand Rapids west siders-don’t know why our quiet residential middle-class district would go east across the river to central city business areas including the hospitals and college campus’ in the downtown city and Eastown. We identify closely with Walker and Grandville areas. Don’t know why this map splits up ethnic communities of interest.
Cindy Krieg
East Grand Rapids would fit better with Kentwood to the south, than with the areas further north indicated on this map.
Cindy Krieg
The community of interest for Eastown is the NE area of Grand Rapids, not NW Grand Rapids, Walker or Standale.
Carol Ingall
Szetela is preferable to Pine or Magnolia, but, you can DO better for increased voter fairness.
Cal Morton
The SZETELA HOUSE map needs to be REJECTED and the HICKORY map ADOPTED. The SZETELA HOUSE map is politically unfair for the Grand Rapids Township, Plainfield Township and the Ada/Forest Hills area which are currently in the same district. These 3 areas are my COIs and should NOT be gerrymandered. The HICKORY map is politically fair and best represents the constituents in these areas.
Barbara Yagley
These maps violate the Voters not Politicians mandate of 2018. Communities should be intact and in one district. Use that as your basic building block and you give us fair districts that unite us rather than divide us.
Carrie Hatcher-Kay
There are no fair house maps to choose from! This and al the other proposed House maps give the majority of seats to the minority of voters!
Nina Dodge Abrams
The maps remain unfair and nonesense. The southeast oakland districts should be drawn horozontal so that Eight Mile divides Oakland from Wayne. There should be more Minority Majority districts. The strips of a district is gerrymandering for the idiots, neither Democrats nor Republicans benefit. Certainly the State does not.
Richard Burney
Unacceptable. Goes overboard to preserve Republican dominance in state house despite voter preferences.
Hirak Chanda
I don't like this map as estern Troy is gouped with Sterling Heights, Troy needs tobe kept in one district. We have nothing in common with Macomb County
Cal Morton
I agree with Kristine S Detmers comment posted in Michigan State House Pine V5 map, "... All these maps should have been drawn with a color blind eye and based on population alone! Gerrymandering at its worse!". The data shown in these maps should have only provided the "Total Population" and the "Voting Age Population". All other numbers are injecting race and ethnicity which overlooks the most important fact, "We are ALL Americans"!
Rich Thrush
This map can easily be changed to make it partisan fair for Michigan to address the majority of public comments which called for redoing the House maps for this reason and restart the 45 day comment period. Simply change the district configurations around the Grand Rapids area to match the Hickory map. As pointed out before, this can be done without changing the overall Michigan map just like was done on the Hickory map. Do it now and the 45 day period end date is only extended 1 week to January 7. The current map is unacceptable. Totally breaks up the communities of interest in the area, does not include Ada and Cascade townships which are an integral part of the metro area and splits representation of the Hispanic, African American and underserved communities.
Dave Morgan
Why would a school district be split is two? Marshall and Albion share the same school district. Why would they not be kept together? Also Battle Creek, Emmett, Pennfield, Bedford, and Springfield share Police and Fire with Mutual Aid, they all are members of BCATS, and AMASA, share the same Library, Sewer system, Chamber of Commerce and on and on. Albion and Battle Creek share nothing in common including having separate Chambers of Commerce, Separate NAACP Branches, not to mention with this map you have to drive through another district to get from one side to the other. This map is obviously gerrymandered and stretched and is no different than what currently exist which says enough sing the district was one used as an example of a gerrymandered district and a reason why this commission was needed.
Robert Dragan
District 79 is very bad in this map. My COIs are East Grand Rapids and Grand Rapids, not the rural areas going all the way east over to Lowell and south to Middleville. This would be gerrymandering my votes into these far away rural areas. This map has political bias towards the GOP and should be rejected. If this map is selected by the Commission it would probably face court challenges because of partisan unfairness. Reject this map.
Sue Macrellis
Again we have very creative efforts to produce some kind of art. I wondering what needs the residents of SE Summit Township, Brooklyn, Napoleon, Liberty and Norvell have in common with those folks who live on the western side of Ann Arbor. I do not like this map, but perhaps it is the least evil of four terrible choices.
Carrie Hatcher-Kay
PLEASE keep working. This map gives the most seats to the party who had the least number of votes. Please, please please, PLEASE continue working! You've come this far. We want house maps that are actually fair. THANK YOU!!
Earl Burton
These maps are blatantly unfair. They do not address the needs of Detroiters. There is no way that the party that receives the less votes should get the most seats.
Daniel Jones
Another bad map!! None of the House maps give the majority of seats to the minority of voters!! Please work harder on this!!
Virginia Preuss
Please Keep Working! There are no fair house maps to choose from!
Each proposed House map gives the majority of seats to the minority of voters!
No MI House map addresses the concerns heard from Detroit voters about being able to elect their own candidates
Maps that are less unfair, are still unfair. We want maps that are actually fair.
Margaret Schankler
This map is unfair, especially to Detroit No MI House map addresses the concerns heard from Detroit voters about being able to elect their own candidates. Maps that are less unfair, are still unfair. Please keep working.
Nomi Joyrich
This map is very unfair. We don't want to delay the process, but NONE of the house maps are fair.
Marilyn Fox Wade
I don't understand why Grand Ledge is cut into two different districts. How is that keeping a community of interest together. All of Grand Ledge should be part of district 76. The "leg" of the map that puts Vermontville in this district should then be taken out.
Mollie Schairer
Come on! I live in rural Washtenaw County. Szetela map splits up Ann Arbor area like spokes of a wheel, with 7 districts that I could count which fan out from the urban area, across broad swaths of rural areas, and into adjacent counties! This is clear gerrymandering. Summit Twp and Napoleon in Jackson County in the same district as downtown AA?? What in the world are their common interests and needs? Seven state reps for Washtenaw County?? I will be disgusted if this map goes forward.
Sally Beyer
This is Gerrymandering and needs to stop. This will break up the Allegan county and we need to stay together. This is carving out and I do not agree with this method of keeping of elite lakeshore separate. We belong together as we have always been.
Candice DeHaan
A township only encompasses 6 miles x 6 miles. Jamestown Charter Township shouldn't be separated into two different state house districts.
Bill Zdeblick
Allegan County belongs together. I do not agree with the 'caterpillar' district down the lakeshore. This does not represent my community. Looks like the Chicago owners on the lake have the power.
Richard Michalski
This is probably the most partisan of the 4 maps proposed. It creates the fewest competitive districts (29 having margins of 5% or less). It appears to advantage the Democratic potential seats. It is very hard for me to say this, but my desire for increased competitive seats outweighs my party preference.
Victoria Gutowski
This map does not meet the criteria set forth in the Michigan Constitution for partisan fairness. Other groups have submitted maps that are much fairer...like the AFL and Promote the Vote. Please keep working
I really dislike this map. It puts Cascade Township with rural districts when only 10% of Cascade Township is rural! Cascade Township needs to be the metro Grand Rapids area where our tax dollars go!
Marla Weber
Allegan County belongs together. I do not agree with the 'caterpillar' district down the lakeshore. This does not represent my community.
Tamilyn Poll
Allegan County needs to stay as one district. Leaving the lakeshore out is not in the best interest of the county. Carving up the county for political gain is a form of gerrymandering and that is what we are trying to prevent. Our lakeshore is a valuable part of our county and for their voice to be represented in a different district and decisions made about the lakeshore that don't reflect the issues in the rest of Allegan county is unfair.
Jimmie Wilson Jr.
This is probably the worst map of all the current choices. So many communities broken up. I'm in Ypsilanti Township and it needs to stay together. There are other communities in the surrounding area that were broken up too much also. Please fix this or throw this map out.
Ed Saunders
I know drawing 110 State House districts is inherently harder. But, unfortunately none of the current maps is fair.
They all give a majority of seats to the minority of voters!
I hope you can find a way to do much better. If you MUST choose, Hickory is the best current collaborative map. If you do select Commissioner-initiated maps, the Szetela State House map is even better.
Darlene Littlejohn
Eaton County (mostly District 76) is divided into 4 State House districts--FOUR! Vermontville is tucked between two prongs of Barry County. Bellevue and Olivet are so close that they are almost twin cities, yet they are in different districts. Our county courthouse in in Charlotte which is quite close to the center of our county. If you kept Eaton County together, everyone could easily attend meetings and events in their county seat. I thought 'Communities of Interest' were supposed to matter.
Katherine Schmidt
Eaton county and most of the counties in Mid-Michigan and Southern Michigan are divided into so many non-sensical pieces. While this map is better than some from a couple of weeks ago, splitting Eaton County into four different pieces is absurd. Someone living in Olivet or Bellevue has little in common culturally, historically, economically, or geographically with someone in Allegan County (which borders Lake Michigan). Olivet and Bellevue are much more likely to share interests with Battle Creek or Lansing and other rural farm communities. Northwest Eaton County has much more in common with the rest of Eaton County than it does with Ionia, Barry, and Kent Counties. Because so many community and government services are county based, where possible, counties should be kept whole in the State House districts to reflect true communities of interests and actual commonalities among constituents.
Katherine Schmidt
This district literally spans our state from east to west, Wisconsin to Canada. This (and the surrounding districts in the Upper Peninsula) seem to be so massive geographically that it would create an immense burden on any single legislator to provide good constituent services. Also, with such a vase expanse, there are many different cultural differences and communities of interests that are being divided. Dividing the UP vertically rather than horizontally would allow better representation of local communities and interests, and help constituents receive better representation by an individual who understands their concerns.
Cherylyn Conklin-Reed
Keep Allegan county together! There is no reason to split up the county except for gerrymandering. Allegan county should be one district, not part of six. It dilutes our vote. This looks to be intentional for political gain.
Fred Trexler
Szetela map is better than Magnolia in that it only divides Jackson County into 3 districts. However, our COI ties us with Hillsdale County more than Washtenaw County. None of the State House maps are good.
Ruth A Kell
The only acceptable House Map for my district is Pine V5, because it does not split the city of Troy. Troy is a COI and should not be divided, least of all to be combined with part of Macomb County, which has different business needs.
Sara Fink
I appreciate how difficult meeting all the criteria is for each kind of map, but fairness is a vital criterion which none of these House maps meet. The MICRC has met that criterion in its State Senate and Congressional map proposals, but none of the proposed State House maps are fair in apportioning the most House seats to the party which wins the most votes, based on the last two Presidential elections. Instead all of the maps have a strong lean toward one party, though that lean is slightly less pronounced than currently enacted maps. I'm sure the Commission can do better.
Frank Lynn
Cascade Township should not be split off from Kentwood and East Grand Rapids. Similarly, Wyoming should not be split in two. Keep the Hispanic community together. Thanks for your hard work!!
Pei-Lan Tsou
Cascade township is a suburb of Grand Rapids/Kentwood and should be in a district with those areas. It is not a rural district at all.
Please put the airport (Cascade township) back in with the Grand Rapids metro.
Pei-Lan Tsou
As a person of color, I think it's important that minorities have our representation. This map is not good for the Latinx community. It should not be split up in this way to dilute the vote.
Richard Paas
The districts shouldn't be split up this way with Hispanic communities in Wyoming being separated in this way. District 80 shouldn't scoop around that way, and the Cascade airport area shouldn't be so far out into the rural districts.
Janice Sovak
This map is unfair from a partisan perspective. No house map adequately achieves this goal. Commissioners, please keep working on this to achieve real fairness. You can do it, as you've done with US Congressional and Mich State Senate maps.
Jim Pedersen
The best of a poor set of maps for the MI State House, it seems to me Cass County could remain intact with a minor adjustment to the lake shore district and the one in between, 38 and 37.
James Bantjes Jr.
The commission is intentionally carving up counties into multiple districts for political gain. This is gerrymandering! Leave it alone!
Apparently someone has it out for Jackson County. Another map splitting Jackson County into 4 different districts. Do not use this map.
Ronald Emaus
This map does not represent the voices of the people. It is partisan and non-competitive in its district compositions. None of the house district maps are balanced. A new map should be constructed to provide batter balance. It can be done.
Anna Hicks
Shocking and in your face gerrymandering. This is a ridiculous division of Jackson County. Your duty was to remove the politics from redistricting. This map does not accomplish that. Please stand for integrity in redistricting and do not take away the voices of the citizens of Jackson County with this horrible map.
Russ Jennings
I dislike this map most of all.
Gregory Newman, City Clerk
A section of the City of Grand Ledge is separated from the rest of the City. This will create a precinct split in Ward 3. Please consider placing the entire City of Grand Ledge in a single State House district.
Steve Revor
Preserve and respect geographical boundaries, specifically county lines. Stop the break up of Allegan Co. and all of the gerrymandering.
Jordan Genso
I support the way this map creates a district that appropriately combines the US-23 corridor with the I-96 corridor, as the commonality of commuters who choose to live there based on the ease of using the highways to get to work give them a similar set of needs in their Lansing representation.
Katie Juros
Keep Allegan County Together!!!
Leah Folkert
The only reason to break up Allegan County is for explicit, partisan reason and is the definition of gerrymandering.
Chris Andrews
This, along with Hickory, is a relatively fair map. Pine and Magnolia are especially bad. None of the House maps are acceptably fair.
There have been numerous requests from the residents of Pontiac, Waterford and Auburn Hills regarding this messed up district, why have you not fixed it? Pontiac and AH residents have asked that they be combined and Waterford has asked to remain whole, with all communities noting that the current layout does NOT reflect any of the local COIs. Why are you splitting the communities and combining them in unusual and ineffectual ways? Appears to be laziness or partisanship, either way needs to be corrected. Fix this!
Aaron Haury
This looks like the fairest of those offered. However, the commission should keep working on state house maps since each proposed House map gives the majority of seats to the minority of voters!
Kevin Miedema
I really don't think having these Lake Shore districts makes sense. I understand the Lake shore has unique challenges. however everyone in the County has a stake in this lakeshore. Allegan County is very cut up. County lines need to be respected as best they can be. This map has my district being a hour + drive wide - meanwhile my neighbors in laketown township are not represented by same person. (all these maps have same issue for Allegan)
Paul Hauglie
I dislike this map. It does not keep Jackson county whole and needlessly divides it. Jackson county should never be lumped into the same district as Ann Arbor, unless gerrymandering is the goal.
Paul Hauglie
I dislike this map. It does not keep Jackson county whole and needlessly divides it. Jackson county should never be lumped into the same district as Ann Arbor, unless gerrymandering is the goal.
Paul Hauglie
I dislike this map. It does not keep Jackson county whole and needlessly divides it. Jackson county should never be lumped into the same district as Ann Arbor, unless gerrymandering is the goal.
Paul Hauglie
This map is ok. It still does not keep Jackson county whole and lumps it in with Ann Arbor, which makes absolutely no sense, unless gerrymandering is the goal.
Jared Boot
This looks like the fairest of those offered. However, the commission should keep working on state house maps since each proposed House map gives the majority of seats to the minority of voters!
Ellen K Lambright
This map groups Delta Twp in with rural Eaton County, while taking rural areas of the County out - thus splitting up communities of interest! It gives Eaton County 4 different representatives. That just doesn't make sense. Please reconsider and put rural with rural and city with city. Also, last night, November 15th, our local news (Channel 6 out of Lansing) reported that the new districts for the State House favor Dems! I thot this was non-partisan?
Mary O'Neill
This looks like the most fair map of those offered. Thank you for all your hard work!
Dylan J Pescarolo
This draft for my district represents my community of interest a whole lot more accurately compared to the other three proposals. The people who live within my district currently do not want to be connected with any liberal townships or cities.
Lindsey Brayton
This is the best of the worst and seems to most fairly represent the rural communities
Katie Valencia
I do not agree with this re-districting. The 'caterpillar' district down the lakeshore does not keep Allegan county together and does not represent my community. No this is not good.
Mark Forbes
Keep Allegan County together!
Preserve and respect geographical boundaries, specifically county lines
The commission is intentionally carving up counties into multiple districts for political gain. This is gerrymandering!
Allegan County belongs together. I do not agree with the 'caterpillar' district down the lakeshore. This does not represent my community.
The only reason to break up Allegan County is for explicit, partisan reason and is the definition of gerrymandering.
Mary L Stull
The commission is intentionally carving up counties into multiple districts for political gain. This is gerrymandering!
melissa vandermeulen
Keep Allegan County together
Cynthia Richardson
I like the Szetela State Senate map. It keeps Waterloo Township with its current neighboring communities (we already work and partner together well) and keeps the City of Ann Arbor separate from rural areas. Rural communities have VERY different needs from the needs of urban residents, and therefore needs different representation. Please use this SZETELA State House map. Thank you.
Brian Boyer
This proposed map unnecessarily combines Jackson County with other neighboring areas, greatly splitting up our current Community of Interest. Please do adopt this map.
Joshua Pero
Of the poor House maps (all of them are poorly done), the Szetela map better secludes Jackson county from Washtenaw. Washtenaw is much more densely populated than Jackson, and our interests differ greatly.
Doug Swartz
The Szetela State House map does not keep the counties whole. It instead combines the eastern portion of Jackson County with Washtenaw County. Please do not adopt this map. The alternate Pine State House map is the better map to go with please. Thank you.
Denzel A McCampbell
You must recognize the historic imbalance of putting Detroit communities in a district with Livonia. With this map, it seems a like a great possibility that interests of Detroiters will be ignored. This is not a good map.
Kristine Yeutter
I don't agree with this map. You have gerrymandered our little county to get your "correct" number of voters at the cost of splitting communities of interest previously submitted. This violates the constitutional rules the committee agreed to abide by.
You have split our county (Lenawee) into four house districts. This will be a nightmare for elections and our county clerk. This undermines the principle of communities of interest when you take small portions of our county and place them with other counties. This is especially true when you place townships in our rural northeast with metropolitan Washtenaw County. This map looks more gerrymandered than when the House did the redistricting,
Patrice Johnson
I like the Szetela State House map the best. It keeps more of Jackson county whole and keeps Waterloo Township in Jackson County. Please adopt this Szetela State House map. It does a much better job of satisfying the ‘communities of interest’ objective for the County of Jackson. Thank you.
Jonathan Levine
This map fails criterion d, no disproportionate advantage to any political party. Please ensure that the State House maps distribute representatives in line line the parties' statewide vote.
Jackie Leslie
This map does a better job than Pine for Jackson County as a whole but don’t connect with Washtenaw. We don’t have the same interests.
Jennifer Biddinger
This map is better than some, but you keep trying to bring Washtenaw County into Jackson County. We want to keep our Jackson Co. together.
Allison L Brink
Allegan County belongs together. I do NOT agree with the carving out of the lakeshore. This does not represent our community, and appears to be for explicit, partisan reasons. Preserve and respect geographic boundaries, specifically by keeping county lines.
merlin steffes
Gerrymandered garbage.
Bernard Allore
City folks don't understand the issues and needs of farming communities. This map lumps urban and rural areas together and this will leave farmers without a voice because there is such a lack of ties to agriculture today. Please keep Jackson County together in one district. I am a senior citizen and I rely on services in my community of Jackson. Thank you.
Barbara Dame
This maps splits up Jackson County and the community of interest it serves! Priority should be based on community of interest. This is partisan gerrymandering. Please remember that the law states that districts should not provide a disproportionate advantage for any political party.
Bill Richardson
I like the Szetela State House map the best. It keeps more of Jackson county whole and keeps Waterloo Township in Jackson County. Waterloo is a very rural area, as is most of Jackson county as a whole. From a ‘community of interest’ perspective, Jackson County is a much better fit for Waterloo Township than Washtenaw County. Please adopt this Szetela State House map. It does a much better job of satisfying the ‘communities of interest’ objective for the County of Jackson. Thank you.
Janet Cannon
This map comes the closest to fair representation in my view. But it's still off the mark for Detroit. Agree that it needs modification.
Jeffrey B Halter
This is a decent map which links my part of Ann Arbor with neighbors to the North and East. However, it does not meet partisan fairness so needs to be improved.
Alexa Bush
This is the best of the House maps, but it could be better. None of these provide partisan fairness. The house maps should be reconsidered to better reflect the needs of the people of our state.
Robert Jones
Elbridge Gerry would be proud of these bizarre shapes.
Korey Ryan Morris
I do not understand the commissions current reasons for dividing the city of Taylor. Districts need to geographically makes sense, and have three state house representatives for a 60,000 person city does not make sense.
David Barnosky
Putting Zeeland, Hudsonville & Georgetown Township makes a lot of good sense, keeping or most conservative dutch communities together.
Kasey Helton
The 50th does a decent job of preserving the rural farm culture of my district, but what I really like about this map for my area is the 48th. I live just north of Pinckney right on the border of the new 48th, and the people there need a map that recognizes the COI that is defined by the Chain of Lakes, an area that has been plagued by PFAS pollution, but also that is joined by the environmental and recreational interests of the Chain. This map will keep the Chain of Lakes geographic area together. It also recognizes the connection between the east Brighton folks near the 23 corridor who commute for work down 23 south to Ann Arbor and East toward Oakland County -- there are transit and commerce concerns that I think would definitely define them as a COI. There's more interests involved than just county lines.
Ignores the common economic opportunities of the southwestern counties that need to be grouped together.
Thomas Heck
What is the goal for Monroe County? This proposal as most of the last few proposals splits northern Monroe County into 3 districts that then extend in a haphazard geographic fashion into Wayne and Washenaw counties. None of these make any sense from a Community of Interest perspective which is supposedly the #1 priority. For example extending district 29 from rural northern Monroe county into and encompassing the city of Taylor is ludicrous.The same with the manner in which this proposal stretches district 31 from northwestern Monroe county into areas of Washenaw county or District 28 into southeastern Wayne county. This appears to be a major Democratic Gerrymandering proposal for Monroe County. The logical proposal would be to keep all of Northern Monroe county into a single House district as it is today.
Justin Voss
This map makes no sense. Rural areas of Clinton County should be with other like communities in Ionia, Montcalm, and Gratiot County rather than with urban areas of Lansing which have different interests.
Jazmine Early
Why submit the same map with different names? If you read the rules of drafting the map, this maps do not comply with the rules.
Jazmine Early
Why submit the same map with different names? If you read the rules of drafting the map, this maps do not comply with the rules.
Jazmine Early
Why submit the same map with different names? If you read the rules of drafting the map, this maps do not comply with the rules.
D Caruso
This is a great district that connects COI's with common values, while also maintaining diversity.
Luke Dornon
Splitting Zeeland from Holland looks like packing to me.
Dixon Wolfe
Dickinson County should not be split. Though the UP has a very unified identity, there are still regions that have completely different cultures. Putting Iron Mountain with the 110th is not a good idea as it confuses residents of the entire county. Please put Dickinson County together in the 108th or 109th!
Gary S. Banning
There is obviously no commonality between northern Monroe County and the city of Taylor. The area encompassing #29 in Monroe County is all agricultural whereas this travels north into the very densely populated city. The Monroe County area in question is more suited with the remainder of northern Monroe County as it currently is. If you are seeking "like kind" associations, the proposed designation #29 must be revisited.
Susan Fegley McKee
No way. Magnolia and Pine V5 are far superior and fairer.
Joel Arnold
This state house maps does not serve well the interest of Flint voters. This draft presents a real risk that Flint may not have any Flint residents representing us in Lansing. We know that we cannot rely on the goodwill of others to speak for our city, as we have seen in the last decade what happens when our voice is ignored in state government.
As you work to refine your maps however, I would ask that you not simply pack all of Flint into one district, risking a clear partisan gerrymander. Instead, Flint should have a district that provides a clear opportunity for representation, preferably a majority-Black district, without packing voters who often tend to vote for similar candidates all into one district, resulting in a large number of wasted votes. We’ve seen in the past how packing voters of similar political backgrounds all into one district can be its own form of disenfranchisement, and Flint should have both the opportunity for meaningful representation without recreating the packed districts of the past. In particular, the map submitted to the commission numbered P7273 is a good example of a map that allows for Flint political representation without exclusively packing Flint voters into a single district.
Patrick Maguire
This one gets it close, but not quite. Salem Twp. needs to be with South Lyon AND Lyon Twp. as all of it is really part of the greater "South Lyon" area and share the same school district, mailing address, shopping, dining, etc. This is really considered one community and should not be split up.
Md. Asif Hasan
Not a good one for our community.
Julia E. Rodriguez
I live in east Troy and don't understand why all these maps propose to cut off a slice of Troy and group us with our eastern neighbors. I do not wish to be cut off from the city I pay taxes to and the place where I send my children to school. This is a dumb idea and doesn't represent the residents.
There is no valid justification or explanation for carving, inexplicably, the Emerald Lakes neighborhood out of Troy. First, Troy should be kept as one district, and the commission should not rely on an arbitrary line of John R. However, to the extent the commission relies on John R as a boundary, there is no explanation for why the map should reach across the road and carve out the Emerald Lakes. The neighborhood is closely related to the rest of Troy and I can imagine no reason to distinguish it from other areas west of John R. No rhyme or reason for this change, which was not included in the original maps. It constitutes an unnecessary division of basic communities of interest, municipal and county boundaries.
Sarah Blakely
I'm glad to see these new maps put the 110th district back in the UP, however I don't like seeing counties split up. Dickinson County should not be split between the 110 and 109. It should either be fully in the 109, or stay in the 108 as it is currently. Baraga County also shouldn't be in the 109, but should stay in the 110 where it is currently. Baraga County's cultural, historical, and economic interests and needs share much more in common with those of Keweenaw, Houghton, Ontonagon, Gogebic, and Iron Counties than it does with Marquette and Alger Counties. I also don't like to see Mackinac County split. It should be entirely in the 107. There is no need to split up UP counties. I can understand the need for that in the LP communities with larger populations, but the UP should be split up by counties.
Angelo D Guarnieri
Northern Allen Park and Melvindale are a single school district. Breaking them up (as they are now) leads to kids in that school district not getting a voice.
Lorie Culham
I agree with the other comments associated with this newest map. COI's were supposed to be the critical component in redrawing these maps. From a local perspective # 73 area- wise is primarily comprised of small towns and agricultural, rural voters. How do we have anything in common with imported college kids who now can register the day of an election to vote in our area as long as they prove residency by 8pm the day of the election to vote in person. They only have to live in the area for 30 days to meet requirements. Okemos, Meridian Twp, and Williamston residents, many who are employed by MSU primarily are affiliated with university needs and have little understanding of rural issues. For example MSU and schools went to online conferencing to work and educate during the pandemic with little sympathy for those of us with limited broadband access. Our rural needs are secondary to your gerrymandering efforts. Efforts are being made as we speak to insert 700 massive windmills in our area to power areas outside our location. These are well-known as an inefficient source of energy and detrimental to wildlife and the environment, yet our voices are being silenced. We pay property taxes that continue to go up for services primarily available to Lansing proper. Finally, these were to be transparent considerations. The groups recent Vote to conduct closed meetings of the group is not transparency. We are far more like western Livingston or southern Ingham or north than northwest to East Lansing. Reconsider!
Joe Fresard
The commission is required to abide by criteria including consideration of municipal boundaries and communities of interest and this map does not seem to show any consideration towards those. Keeping Harper Woods with the Grosse Pointes was a very popular COI submission
Again!!! What is happening with Macomb COUNTY! DO NOT SPLIT UP THE COUNTIES! Oakland, Wayne and Macomb Counties have completely different demographics, local leadership, identities, jobs, schools. Also, why would one split up the City of Detroit? How can Detroit be strong if it is split up among so many representatives? My suggestion would be to Start with the urban areas, keep them together and then branch out to Rural area to keep them together.
Ceroid Johnson
When we voted for this commission, it was with the express understanding that communities of interest would be of the utmost priority in determining the redistricting. As a reminder, a community of interest is a group of people in a specific geographic area who share common interests (such as economic, historic, cultural, or other bonds) that are linked to public policy issues that may be affected by legislation.
Please tell me how River Rouge shares that with Detroit. Our community has always been close with Melvindale, Ecorse and Lincoln Park and now this map and many others toss us into a Detroit district as little more than an afterthought. Detroit politicians always represent Detroit and these maps will be no different. The votes of River Rouge will be wasted in a state house vote with this suggested map.
Dan Wholihan
I oppose this for the same reason I oppose Hickory. Genoa Twp belongs with Brighton, not Ann Arbor. Brighton City/Twp belongs with Genoa and Hamburg, not Wixom or Eastern Commerce Twp. This is a gerrymandered district cracking and carving up a COI for partisan purposes.
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