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Lange Senate corrected
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Provides less of a stair step, keeping cities with similar issues together.
Patricia Banner
This map does not represent where we work, spend our time or money. As part of the Fenton School district, we should be included with Fenton - or even with the village of Holly!
Carolyn M Mayne
Keep Midland County whole
Carolyn M Mayne
Keep Midland County whole
Christian & Jenee Velasquez
This map makes more sense for Midland. Keeping Midland whole and with counties that share more common interests.
Kathy A Swartz
Lange senate map is not a good option. Palm is the best option of the senate maps. Please do not choose this map as it does not keep communities of interest together.
M Dame
I am very disappointed in the State Senate maps presented. I have to agree with SOOO many people who stated the maps have been gerrymandered to falsely promote “political fairness” while at the same time dismissing “communities of interest”. This experiment in “redistricting” is proving to be a farce. I have to agree with the masses who believe your prioritizing process has been unconstitutional and I hope these maps are challenged in court.
David Johnson
Keep Midland a d Gladwin counties together.
Charlee Simanskey
Please keep Midland and Gladwin united by preserving and respecting current geographic boundaries and keeping the Tittabawassee watershed communities together.
Scott William Miller
Keep Midland County whole (connected to Gladwin).
Keep the Tittabawassee watershed communities of Midland, Gladwin, Isabella, and Clare counties together.
Dennis Quehl
I am asking the commissioners to support this Lange senate map. It truly represents the County as a whole, and follows the reccomendations given to the commissioners in regards to contiguity, city and town boundries,, and COI.
Mary J Quehl
Again as in the congressional map. Our district has a significant majority of citizens that support this map. Very few dislikes. Midland County needs to be kept whole and connected to Gladwin
Rich & Brenda Keenan
Keep Midland Cty with like communities. Representation voices the community’s needs and isn’t about political correctness or political advantage. Use common sense.
Rich&Brenda Keenan
Keep Midland County with like communities. Use common sense. This is about community representation not political correctness or party advantage.
Chris Moultrup
This map follows county lines as much as possible and keeps communities of interest together, as they should be.
Liked Lange Senate Corrected choice
Patrick Smith
I prefer this map
Sean M McCormick
Once again, so many Midland Republicans are spamming the comments section to ensure watershed connections when in reality the Midland area, and the state senate under this map, will be unfairly biased towards Republicans. As a dissenting voice of these people, I hope Midland and many other areas are part of competitive districts that ensure partisan fairness and that the commission ultimately values this over watershed connections and county lines. While those are important, we need to ensure that the lines overall represent the people who vote.
Patrick Smith
This is my preffered map
Brad Blasy
Like this map
Kevin S
Like this map
Mike Scott
This is a good map. Keeps Midland County whole.
Larry Schuelke
This is very good for Midland and Midland county residents as it keeps us together in one district and helps those to the west of us who share similar concerns. Wow, the only map that doesn't try to split us up . Thank you that there is one that makes sense at least for our district.
Justin Scott
I like this one. It keeps Midland county whole.
Cathy Lunsford
This map keeps the City of Midland whole with the County of Midland and also with Gladwin County which makes sense due to the sharing of common watershed and interests.
Mary Ann Allore
This map is terrible. It does not keep Jackson County together as a community of interest despite the comments made by so many citizens at the public hearings to do so. It also connects us with the urban city of Ann Arbor that does not share common communities with rural Jackson County. Please keep to the promises made to us back in 2018 – follow the Communities of Interest submitted by the people of Michigan.
Jane Scott
Thank you for keeping Midland County whole as we should be!
Rebecca S Smith
Thank you for keeping Midland with counties to the west and keeping it WHOLE.
Robert A Rankey
As with other comments keeping Midland and Gladwin Counties whole and together makes sense!
Joseph Lunsford
This map keeps Midland County whole and makes the most sense. Almost 55 years in Midland County and I would like to continue to share interests with friends and family to the north and west.
Greg Rogers
This map is fair and sensible.
James Cameron Hart
With all due respect I do not believe this map fairly represents diverse communities of interest. It seems only promote the interests of large cities and discourage people in other areas of the state from voting because they live in smaller areas, and will not have their voices heard. The intention of these maps should be to promote people in all areas of Michigan to participate in the voting process. While no map will be perfect for everyone they should at least follow the spirit of equal representation.
This map has unfair partisan scores and should not be used. The Constitution requires partisan fairness be prioritized.
John F Lynn
I like this map as it keeps Midland whole with Midland Country. While we may have some things in common with Bay City and Saginaw, there many very many thing that we do not want to share with them.
I support the Lange Map & dislike the Chestnut Map. Keep Midland & Gladwin together, as we share many similarities together.
Donald Deibert
Keeps midland whole
Anne Van Hulle
It makes sense to keep Midland and Gladwin counties whole and together. This focus will help the needs of those who were impacted most by the devastating floods of 2020.
Jennifer Majorana
This map is commonsense and logical in keeping Midland intact. I support this map! Thank you!
Kathleen Thorrez
This map combines the small town of Jackson with the city of Ann Arbor, which we have little in common.
Christa Krohn
I approve of this map keeping Midland County and Gladden together.
Karen Lynn lindholm
Keep Jackson whole. No Ann Arbor
Michelle Wilbur
i dislike this map as it combines Jackson with Ann Arbor. Please keep Jackson whole, do not combine with Chelsea or Ann Arbor.
J Michael Dizer
Keeping Midland County whole makes the most sense for the MI Senate redistricting efforts.
Jon Lynch
This is a sensible map.
Mary Lou McEwan
This is the only state senate map keeping Midland County whole and connected to Gladwin. Keep Midland City connected to Midland County and Gladwin County. No Gerrymandering.
Carl L Hamann
I approve of this map. It keeps midland county and Gladwin county together.
Francis A McEwan
This is the only state senate map keeping Midland County whole and connected to Gladwin. No Gerrymandering.
Aaron Majorana
This is a good map because it keeps Midland whole. As someone who travels regularly to Saginaw for work and to Bay City, Midland has absolutely nothing in common with Saginaw and Bay City. Midland has much more in common with the other communities in Midland and Gladwin Counties because they were all affected by flooding and deserve a unified voice. Thank you.
Thank you for keeping Midland total in this map. Trying to make this process accomplished quicker and realized that every map you change the District numbers. That is confusing!!!
David E Kepler
This map is the best map that reflects how the communities between Midland and MT pleasant, and the relationships that exists, it's a good balance of Midsize and small communities that have a common set of social, environmental interests
Laurence Richard Larson
This is the best option.
Daniel Kozakiewicz
This is a fair map.
Daniel Kozakiewicz
This is a fair map.
Cindy Kallgren
I like this Map for Midland Gladwin Senate District.
Amanda Oster
Keep Midland County whole and with Gladwin!
Carole J Chi
Don't pick this map. It has many many many dislikes all over the place. It's obviously NOT a fair map for many reasons stated by many people. So please pick the LINDEN Senate Map. thank you!
Drew Wagener
Seriously, who's the wizard behind this drivel?
Lange map has to be someones idea of a joke.....
This map is unfair. Partisan fairness must be prioritized.
Daniel Schifko
This map does not represent communities of interest.
Rebecca Mayer
I dislike this map because it combines half of Ann Arbor with rural Jackson County
Eric Kyle Schichl
do not like this map taylor downrivers largest city is matched with most of detroit.
Carly Moran
Unnecessarily divides Hillsdale County for gerrymandering purposes like the other maps, and also places rural Jackson County with the suburbs of Ann Arbor. Doesn't make much sense at all. Palm is best.
Melitz Mike
david Berry
I do not like the LANGE map because it does not keep Jackson County whole. Jackson, like Tecumseh, needs to maintain a voice that reflects the "rural" area it is set in, not the "urban" Ann Arbor sound. Please don't adopt this map. The PALM map is much better. Thank you.
Kathi Harris
This map is one of the worst maps in terms of seats compared to votes for Michigan. Please do not vote for this map. This map very much discounts the representation of city people by diluting their districts
Elizabeth Bonner
I prefer Palm
Jim Lax
I disapprove of this map. Kent County is fragmented in this map, and one district connects northern Kent County to suburban Flint for no particular reason. The Commission has yet to come up with an acceptable State Senate map for Kent County.
Partisan fairness must be prioritized. This map has more unfair partisan bias. Linden is a better map.
Nancy Mroczkowski
This is not a good map for Michigan cities overall in regard to voter representation. District lines are drawn such that rural population areas disproportionately dominate most districts including cities. The result is an advantage for the political party that does not have a majority of voters in the state. Please do not use this map
Cassandra M Foley
While these lines may look all neat and tidy, this map is gerrymandered to keep Midland in a Republican district. It also breaks up the natural and obvious connections among the Tri-Cities. These three mid-sized cities--Midland, Bay City, and Saginaw share common interests in areas of manufacturing and industry, cultural enrichment, and education, just to name a few. Midland should not be included with primarily rural districts with which it has so little in common. This map should be rejected.
Danielle Fergin
No. This map was not created in the spirit of political fairness as required by the redistricting process. The city of MIdland has little to nothing in common with the other communities on this map. As a Midland resident I know Midland is more connected to the rest of the Tri Citites such as Bay City and Saginaw. This map does not represent Midland well and would lead to poor representation of the folks in Midland.
Anne Wallin
NO, no, no. Please do not put the city of Midland back into a largely rural district. We have little in common in terms of policy priorities with rural areas. Surely two legislators could work together to address issues related to the floods. I do not see the watershed as a compelling COI. I do however see cities with significant industrial bases and citizens who live and work among the three as an important COI to be kept together. Please do not choose this map. It perpetuates the current gerrymandering. Linden is a better choice.
Lisa P LaGrou
I dislike this map. This is not a good redistricting plan; it does not promote partisan fairness.
Lisa P LaGrou
I dislike this map. This is not a good redistricting plan; it does not promote partisan fairness.
Justin Breyer
Please be aware that this map currently proposes to separate the City of Dexter's Cedars neighborhood (triangle formed by McCormick Pl & Katherine Way) from the rest of the City.
Donna Farris
Fairness of this map not good for Michigan compared to the others. This will be just as bad as current Senate district maps. Area around Grand Rapids is not divided well. The minority inner-city populations will not be represented well. This map will be unfair for western Michigan and Michigan. Please do not select this map.
Jennifer Austin
I do not understand Commissioner Lange's obsession with placing Midland in central/western/northern districts. She doesn't even live here so why is she so focused on deciding what she thinks is best for Midland. As a Midland resident I can tell you that Midland is part of the Tri-Cities and Mid-Michigan. The Tri-Cities are Midland, Bay City, and Saginaw. Mid-Michigan is a bunch of counties, but the core counties have always been Midland, Bay, Saginaw, and Genesee. There are many reasons why these communities should be untied in legislative districts. Lange's continued insistence on placing Midland in strong GOP districts reeks of gerrymandering. Do not adopt this map. The Linden map has the best partisan fairness scores and a competitive district for the Tri-Cities. Linden should be the chosen map.
Patrick Richardson
I do not like the Lange State Senate map. It divides Jackson County and combines rural areas of Jackson county, which is rural in character, with densely populated areas in Washtenaw County, including half the city of Ann Arbor . Ann Arbor has public utilities, widely available broadband, and public transportation. Most rural areas don’t have these public services (and don’t need them). These different communities have different needs and require different legislative representation. Please adopt instead the “Palm” State Senate map. It keeps Jackson County whole and combines it with more rural sections of adjoining Counties. Thank you.
Cary Fleischer
This map is subject to heavy partisan bias. Representation of city populations is disregarded. Please do not select this map.
cheryl scales
I like parts of this, but splitting townships in Northern Kent County does not work
Dorothy Munson
Seems as if this map would provide terrible representation for Michigan overall. Similar to the maps currently being used for the Michigan Senate. Urban/suburban area representation is heavily discounted.
David Hopkinson
This map is worst or nearly worst. Violates Constitutional criterion. Fails due to large partisan bias. Appears designed to affect Republican control of the Senate.
Michael Cameron
I do not like the Lange State Senate map because it combines rural areas with the city of Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor has vastly different resources and services than rural areas do and therefore need different representation.
Erin MacGregor
Whatever happened to keeping the districts as square as possible? Isn't that supposed to be a main goal when redistricting occurs? Why is it assumed that people have the same interests/opinions just because they are the same race or ethnicity? That's an offensive assumption.
This map is a terrible mess.
Dolan Bair
Could have cut this county-adding section off, as the 33rd is well over the lowest districts population.
Dolan Bair
Thank you for fixing the 33rd in this one! This is the only one to not have that gross elongated shape. Making it more compact has put more similar groups together. Even if this one isn't chose, please carry this over.
Linden and Cherry have better partisan fairness scores. Palm is the worst map. Partisan fairness must be prioritized.
Sharon Houck
The Lange State Senate map is NOT a good map. It combines Jackson County, which is mostly rural, with half of the city of Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor has public utilities, widely available broadband, and public transportation. Most rural areas have none of these things. These different communities have different needs and require different legislative representation. Please adopt instead the
“Palm” State Senate map. It does a much better job of satisfying the ‘communities of interest’ objective of this committee.
Deandre M
Prop 2 promised to end drawing lines for political reasons, or gerrymandering. This map makes it even worse by breaking up united communities for blatant political purposes. This map is not TRULY fair to both parties like we were promised.
Michael Novak
District 12 an 11 lack compactness. They span long, narrow (vertical on the map) in an attempt to connect far away communities. Why? Spanning more horizontally would make for a more compact districts.
Michael Novak
Wayne County communities and Macomb County communities are mixed together.
Michael Novak
Grosse Pointes have more in common with Eastpointe and Roseville, than New Baltimore, Harrison Twp and costal Macomb County. It appears to be an attempt to pull a Wayne County community into Macomb County... for some reason?
Chris Wingate
This is most partisan skewed of all the options! Classic example of gerrymandering. Palm is best option given to us.
Kim K Lindsey
This map is partisan and not respectful of the communities of interest requirement. Palm map is the best of several bad options.
Penny K Wingate
This is not a fair representation of communities of interest. Jackson should not be put with Ann Arbor.
I approve of Palm.
Don't put Jackson with Ann Arbor
Lisa Lamancusa
Not impressed with the partisan fairness of this map for Michigan overall. In addition, this map divides up the Grand Rapids area north and south to strategically give Republicans and advantage where it is not warranted by the number of Democratic voters in the area. Please reject this map.
Andrew Booms
This map does a great job preserving the Tittabawassee watershed and helps ensure the community can recover from the horrible events of May 2020.
Pat Dawson
This map is not fair for Michigan voters. Not any better than the current district Gerrymandered Senate map. City folks won’t be represented well. Looks like heavy Republican influence in map drawing. Linden is the best.
Dan Fox
Cherry and Linden are both better than Lange.
Matthew D. Horwitt
The Lange map has more partisan bias. It makes it less likely that the party with the most votes wins the seats. I want fairness, not bias. Please do not adopt this map.
Matthew D. Horwitt
The Lange map has more partisan bias. It makes it less likely that the party with the most votes wins the seats. I want fairness, not bias. Please do not adopt this map.
Sam Chu
This map is not fair representation for Michigan or our Asian area. Absolutely a Republican influenced map. Linden or map has the best districts.
Zach Rudat
Please keep Clinton County whole
Bruce Roller
This map is not partisan fair for Michigan. Typical map drawn by Republican influence.
Jillyn Schultz
District 15 is okay with regard to Milan although I think it would serve residents better to put ALL of Milan into 15 rather than split them into 16. But half of us in 15 is better than none of us. I don't understand at all why District 14 includes the north side of Ann Arbor yet stretches all the way to Marshall. There is NOTHING in common between Ann Arbor area voters and 90% of the voters between the Washtenaw County line and Marshall. There is no comparison.
Allen Salyer
Keep all of Troy, Michigan together.
Karen Lawrence
This is an unfair partisan map for West Michigan and the state as a whole. This map has similar effects to the current district Gerrymandered Senate map. It dilutes the influence of large population Grand Rapids metro city areas by combining with rural townships in Barry, Allegan and Ionia Counties. These townships do not want to be in the same district with Grand Rapids city as well. Better to go with Linden or Cherry V2 to better represent all these areas.
Alan P
Seriously? Breaking up Jackson and Ann Arbor?
No community of interest concerns there, clearly......
merlin steffes
Another extremely partisan map favoring Democrats. Read Don Bishop's comment. That is called reverse phycology. They know these maps are gerrymandered for the democrats but say these maps are bad for democrats to try to sway republican support. Not me Don.
Cal Morton
I agree with Kristine S Detmers comment posted in Michigan State House Pine V5 map, "... All these maps should have been drawn with a color blind eye and based on population alone! Gerrymandering at its worse!". The data shown in these maps should have only provided the "Total Population" and the "Voting Age Population". All other numbers are injecting race and ethnicity which overlooks the most important fact, "We are ALL Americans"!
Kristine Yeutter
Your constitutional duty is to consider communities of interest. This map divides our rural voices with that of metropolitan areas. We ask for fairness, not divisions with attempts to divide us and give unfair advantage to big cities. Please consider the PALM map, which allows our rural voices to have fair representations.
Don Bishop
Extremely partisan map favoring Republicans.
Sue Macrellis
This map reaches a long snout into Washtenaw County bringing in a good chuck of Ann Arbor and puts an ear on a child's drawing of a dog. I am at a loss to determine the purpose of such contours. It is certainly not an effort to keep communities of interest together - especially for Ann Arbor. Also the areas joined by this map do not have intersecting needs or interests. Not a good choice.
Mollie Schairer
I am a resident of rural Washtenaw County. This map clearly splits up communities of interest, and makes no geographic sense. Eastern Calhoun county in the same district as downtown Ann Arbor?? Come on!
Ingrid Yarbrough
I do not feel Lange Senate Corrected map is a fair map. I prefer Cherry and Linden maps as they reflect statewide voting patterns and communities of Interest.
Paul McCarthy
This map is the most partisan-skewed of all state senate maps under consideration. This is exactly the kind of partisan gerrymandering that the new process was supposed to eliminate.
Ed Saunders
Not as good as Linden or Cherry v2.
Katherine Schmidt
This map seems to be very contrived around large cities and disenfranchises the voice of those living in more rural communities. In the central and southern Michigan, counties are split and centered around large urban areas. Rural counties, Like Eaton, Barry, Calhoun, and Kalamazoo, seem to be divided and joined with counties there are more urban, like Ingham, Jackson, and Kent. In the North, putting part of the Upper Peninsula and part of the Lower Peninsula in a single district does not accurately reflect any geographic, economic, or cultural region of interest. Southeast Michigan seems even more contrived. Keep counties whole wherever possible, and keep rural communities with other rural communities.
This map does not align with the "communities of interest" principle as well as the Palm map. Too much combining of rural and metropolitan areas. Looks like lots of gerrymandering to favor the Democrat Party it appears. I thought the commission was about "people and not politics".
Catherine Upton
If you were to look up gerrymandering in the dictionary, a picture of this map would likely pop up. How many different ways can you try to tie in voters from Ann Arbor to Jackson County. This may be the worst map of all. Please vote for the PALM map which does a much better job of satisfying the "communities of interest" objective both this commission. Thank you.
I like Jackson County whole, but the thread to the east makes no sense. Unless the goal is not COI.
Richard Michalski
Does not create as many competitive districts as Palm proposed plan.
Anna Hicks
When I looked up gerrymandering in the dictionary, a picture of this map popped up. How many different ways can you try to tie in voters from Ann Arbor to Jackson County. This may be the worst map of all. Please vote for the PALM map.
Chris Andrews
Cherry and Linden are fairer and better maps.
Aaron Haury
This map is not as good as Cherry or Linden. Those maps better reflect statewide voting patterns and communities of interest.
Paul Hauglie
I dislike this map. It does not keep Jackson county whole and needlessly divides it. Jackson county should never be lumped into the same district as Ann Arbor, unless gerrymandering is the goal.
Sarah Abbott
Thanks for the only other unique option. But if it splits Ann Arbor it is only for the purpose of the democratic gerrymander. This map - like almost all of the other senate maps - gives democrats a guaranteed majority and that is not right.
Jared Boot
This map is not as good as Cherry or Linden. Those maps better reflect statewide voting patterns and communities of interest.
Larry Parsons
Why split Ann Arbor? No community of interest reasons. This map is just as likely to give democrats an insurmountable edge as the other senate maps, besides palm which is still not great.
Thank you commissioner Lange for fighting for communities of interest, though! Your efforts against the bullies on the commission are appreciated :)
Lindsey Brayton
This map is not balanced and unfairly represents urban areas
Cynthia Richardson
I do not like the Lange State Senate map. It divides Jackson County and combines rural areas of Jackson County with half of the City of Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor has more public service offerings, widely available broadband, and public transportation. Most rural areas, like Waterloo Township, have none of these things. Rural communities have VERY different needs and require different legislative representation. Please use the PALM State Senate map. It better represents my community. Thank you.
Brian Boyer
This proposed map unnecessarily combines Jackson County with other neighboring areas greatly enlarging the population of our current Community of Interest. Please do adopt this map.
Russ Jennings
Do not like
Micah McFarlane
Like putting Cannon Township with Rockford
Doug Swartz
The Lange State Senate map combines rural areas of Jackson County way too much with the urban area of Washtenaw County. I am disappointed to see how unfair these map options are for those of us living here in Jackson County. This map appears to have been designed to drown out our rural Jackson voice as the Senate representatives would be too busy bending to the specialized needs, demands, and ultimately ‘dollars’ of Washtenaw County. Please do not adopt this map. The alternate Palm State Senate is the better choice. Thank you.
Jackie Leslie
This map is just not good for Jackson County
Ann Arbor has no common interests with Jackson
Karen Land
This doesn’t make any sense for Ann Arbor and immediately surrounding areas. Goes way too far to the west. And the deviation seems way off to me.
merlin steffes
Unpack is code for gerrymandering.
Jennifer Biddinger
This map is obvious that you want to "unpack" the liberal voters in Ann Arbor into our Jackson County!
Bernard Allore
City folks don't understand the issues and needs of farming communities. This map lumps urban and rural areas together and this will leave farmers without a voice because there is such a lack of ties to agriculture today. Please keep Jackson County together in one district. I am a senior citizen and I rely on services in my community of Jackson. Thank you.
Barbara Dame
This map does not solve the issue of gerrymandering. Districts are being shifted based on politics rather than focusing first on the communities of interest that each area serves. Please listen to the testimonies you have heard over the past moths. The citizens at the public hearings have stated very clearly that their rural communities have very different areas of interest than urban areas. Why would you combine Jackson County with Ann Arbor? Please remember that the law states that districts should not provide a disproportionate advantage for any political party.
Caron Maria Wootten
This map would be a guarantee that our small surrounding Jackson communities would get lost in the noise and never have the ear to representation we too rely on. I am asking that you make the the "Palm" map your Senate map of choice.
Bill Richardson
I do not like the Lange State Senate map for District 16. It combines Jackson County, which is mostly rural, with half of the city of Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor has public utilities, widely available broadband, and public transportation. Most rural areas have none of these things. These different communities have different needs and require different legislative representation. Please adopt instead the “Palm” State Senate map. It does a much better job of satisfying the ‘communities of interest’ objective of this committee. Thank you.
Thomas Heck
This is a very good proposal for district 16! Keeps Monroe and Lenawee Counties together with a slice of Hillsdale County. Best proposal yet for District 16!
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