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2020 Census PL 94.171 Data
Number of Comments Displayed (Zoom in to show less): 0
Claire S Vial
This map is isolating democratically "safe" districts to try to gain advantage for republicans in surrounding districts
Timothy King
This map puts me in the 8th Senate District which meanders all over the place between Wayne and Oakland Counties. Several other maps are far superior in keeping Livonia connected with other Wayne County communities.
Katie Olsson
In adequate partisan fairness and VRA compliance scores.
Mary Coffey
Poor map on both VRA compliance and partisan fairness.
Judithe Stone
This map has a very low partisan fairness score and fewer Voting Rights Act districts. Will negatively impact communities of color. Reject this map.
Wendy Steadman
This is a bad map. It provides fewer opportunities for people of color to have a voice. It divides the Chaldean community. It has an unacceptably low partisan fairness score. This map should absolutely not be chosen.
Ralph Johnson
I don't think that Currey is very good in terms of partison fairness.
Karen Holman
This is not a fair map.
Daniel Grams
It's laughable that people are posting that this maps is bad for black representation when it was authored by Commissioner Curry and ensure Detroit has 3 whole Senate Districts.
Robert Piper
This map separates the Rochester Hills and Troy communities.
Linda Kahn Gale
This map is even worse than Heron. The mean median difference is worse for partisan fairness. Rochester Hills and Troy should be together. They do lots of activities together and business activities together.
Claudia Kraus Piper
This map has a low partisan fairness score
Angela Davenport
This map is poorly constructed, with low partisan fairness, concentrating votes in some areas, diluting the voting power of both Chaldean and African American communities, and offering limited opportunities for non-white voters. Selecting this map undermines the fundamental goals of redistricting. Please do not consider it.
Linda Kahn Gale
Do not choose this map. It is very partisan. It does not represent people of color.
Laurie Krauth
This has a terrible partisan fairness score. It dilutes the vote of Chaldeans and non-white voters. It defeats the purpose of this commission.
Lisa F Peers
This map does not bring together the community in a fair and equitable manner. Please do not use this map.
Eve Mokotoff
This map has low partisan fairness and packs votes and dilutes the vote of Chaldeans and should definitely not be selected. It defeats the whole purpose of redistricting.
Emily Jernberg
This map is unfair to people of color and also dilutes the Chaldean vote. This is a bad map.
Cory Joyrich
This is a poorly constructed map. It features low partisan fairness and few opportunities for non-white voters.
Leora Mira Druckman
One of the worst maps out there. Does not address partisan fairness.
Anna Kristina Johnson
This map does not give African American voters a full voice and has a low partisan fairness score. Please don't consider this map.
Lynda L Pawloski
This map does not score well on the Voting Rights Act or Partisan fairness.
Tim Sawmiller
Fails at communities of interest and partisan fairness
Janet Prange
Please reject. This map again cuts out Wolverine Lake and southern Commerce and lumps them in with VERY rural areas like White Lake, Highland etc. We have more in common with Walled Lake and Novi.
This map does not represent the people of the community fairly.
Carol J Polverini
This map s worse and more gerrymandered than our current maps. It should not be considered because it is not fair.
Shannon Falkenhagen
I dislike this map. It does not have partisan fairness and lacks representation of people of color.
Lauren Lisi
This is not a partisanly fair map.
james ward leyerle
Ridiculous to put W. Livonia and Pleasant Ridge together.
james ward leyerle
Very poor map splitting far SE Oakland 3 ways; splitting Ferndale from Royal Oak Twp/Pleasant Ridge and perpetuating the 8 mile divide. Should be dismissed forthwith.
Violet E. Anderson
This map does not fairly represent the community within its boundaries. It dilutes the neighborhood votes by including the rural community
Nomi Joyrich
This dilutes the Chaldean voice and is very unfair to the Chaldean COI. This has a horrible partisan fairness score and very little opportunity for non-White representation. This map should not be considered.
Shadia Martini
This is not a good map. It does not improve representation for the African American community.
Allegra Pitera
This map does not comply with the Voting Rights Act.
Allen Ralph Wolf
This map disects my community in Oakland County and does a poor job of partisan fairness.
Jonathan T Weinberg
This appears to be a step backwards from the Linden map.
Charles Hodgman
This map scores poorly in terms of Voting Rights Act partisan fairness and should be rejected.
Doesn't represent fairness of Oakland County
Abby Schwartz
This map does not improve racial equity nor partisan bias.
Elizabeth Buckner
This map is incredibly partisan! Please do not consider it.
Nomi Joyrich
Please do not adopt this map. It does not have partisan fairness and it's not good for my community.
Sherry B Trezise
This map diminishes the influence of African American voters, and creates increased Republican bias. As a result, it fails both the racial equity and the partisan fairness criteria. It should not be adopted.
Mary Ann Fontana
This map does not increase the chance for black citizens to elect the candidate of their choice.
lori A Boyce
this map does little for the black voters this lawsuit was about and should not be adopted
Karen Adams
This map throws Commerce Township away into the very rural part of Oakland County. This does not represent the interests of people in Commerce Township.
I would move Southfield Township (Beverly Hills, Bingham Farms, Franklin) into the district with Birmingham and Bloomfield and move Royal Oak and Southern Oakland out of that district. Southfield Township has more in common with Birmingham/Bloomfield (demographics, school district) than with Southfield and the right of district 8.