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050924_SD_COL_v4 Heron
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2020 Census PL 94.171 Data
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Darryl Conliffe
Not as fair as before.
This map makes a fish-hook making plymouth/northville in the same district as Sylvan Lake - no thanks! Also, this shifts voter choice away from Detroit to the suburbs in Districts, 2, 6, 7. Szetela Map (Plan #404) is the best.
Chaldean people are ignored in this map. Choose either Cardinal, Dove, Lange or Curry. Thanks Commissioners!
Eliyah F.
Please don't ignore Chaldean voices! This map divides Chaldeans. Please read this submission: Thanks commissioners!
This map disenfranchises the Chaldean community. Please reject it. Best maps are Cardinal, Dove, Lange, and Curry that do not split Chaldean voices.
Luca M.
Commissioners, remember COI is much more important than "Partisan Fairness" that some are saying. This map hurt my Chaldean people. Cardinal is a good and fair map. Dove, Lange, and Curry is also good and fair map. Hear our voices please! Heron, Szetela and Starling hurts Chaldean people.
Bernadette L.
This a very bad map for Chaldeans. This divides our community and our Churches. Our people want to have a voice. The best map for us is Cardinal with district 10. Please listen to us Chaldeans rather than some bad actors who know nothing about our community. A good read regarding what we really want can be found in this comment on MICRC portal:
Liz Moss
If commissioners wanted to avoid a lawsuit, maybe they would have tried to fix their mistakes, idk. This map just make them worse by splitting COIs and not fixing unconstitutional districts. Communities of interest should matter, but for some reason they don't in this map.
Dash Wideman
I know you people forget about detroit. But detroit with suburbs and even saint clair is a bad move. Detroit will be outvoted like it was before when you messed up. not good
Hanna Jarbour
Question: How do you justify doing this to our Chaldean community? Answer: You can't!! Our community should be valued. We matter more than this map seems to believe. I ask the remaining commissioners not targeting my community to stand firm against any map that hurts our community!
Chaldean Voices Matter
Hi commissioners! Please read the letter, link at the end of this comment, by Mr. Martin Manna before your deliberations next week. Please do not marginalize Chaldeans... Reject Heron/Szetela/Starling and adopt Cardinal.
Eliyah F.
Reject Szetela, Heron and Starling the same way these maps rejects my Chaldean people. Cardinal District 10 respects Chaldeans.
Sally Y
This map divides the Chaldean community into 3. As a Chaldean, I am really appalled that there are people on here claiming this map helps Chaldeans when it clearly divides Chaldeans. Please reject Heron, Szetela and Starling maps. Thanks commissioners for all your hard work! We Chaldean want Cardinal.
Chaldean Voices Matter
I want make this simple, while there are few acceptable maps that Chaldeans can live with, the 2 that must be rejected are Heron and Szetela. Our number 1 choice is Cardinal! Thanks commissioners! :) No one likes Starling anyway so dont choose Starling either!
Chaldean Voices Matter
I want make this simple, while there are few acceptable maps that Chaldeans can live with, the 2 that must be rejected are Heron and Szetela. Our number 1 choice is Cardinal! Thanks commissioners! :)
Chaldean Voices Matter
Mr. Martin Manna serves as Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce and Chaldean Community Foundation. Please Read his letter on the MICRC public comments portal and REJECT Heron and Szetela maps! Choose Cardinal. Thank you commissioners!
Bernadette L.
Choose Cardinal map and reject Heron and Szetela!
Bernadette L.
Reject this map! Chaldeans are being ignored with this map. Please hear our voices commissioners!
Sarah Abbott
Communities of interest rank higher than the partisan fairness scores that everyone is touting. But the Michigan state constitution ranks those partisan fairness scores below COIs. This map clearly destroys COIs in favor of partisan fairness, which is unconstitutional and should automatically reject this map. People in Detroit deserve their own districts. Chaldeans deserve their own district and influence. And so on and so forth.
Chaldean Voices Matter
I just read the letter of Mr. Martin Manna who serves Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce and Chaldean Community Foundation. This letter can be found on the MICRC public comments portal. I invite you commissioners to read it and REJECT This map!
Justine True
They must have made partisan goals the focus here, which is wrong. Otherwise there would be no reason to split up this community of interest like the chaldeans
Justine True
This Detroit part is not as good as what you came up with in the House map. That map, which is basically like the Cardinal map, was popular with the commissioners, the public, and the courts. This one, on the other hand, doesn't respect communities of interest. Why else would they put detroit folks in with farmers from two counties north of here?
Chaldean Voices Matter
I am really sad to see many people are prejudice against my Chaldeans community. They are initially promoting a 2 maps (Heron and Szetela) that specifically hurts Chaldeans. We are peaceful people. All we ask for is one district. Cardinal district 10 is the best representation for Chaldeans. Those who claim Szetela and Heron benefit Chaldeans are being deceptive. Please commissioners choose Cardinal. Thank you commissioners for all your hard work commissioners.
S. Mannan
This is intentional sabotaging of my community. It is obviously meant to hurt people like me. Read Martin's letter before you marginalize my community. We will not stand for it.
Deq Martin
this is dumb too. what do ppl in the nghbrhoods have to do with sterling whgtes
Deq Martin
the mappers ever been to detroit? this is some stupid stuff. what do ppl in the nghbrhoods have to do with gross points?
Al Abdou
Top 5 Reasons Heron Discriminates: (1) It still discriminates against the African American community by keeping the unconstitutional 6th and 11th districts almost exactly the same, with super-high core retention numbers that show no effort to right the wrong.
Al Abdou
Top 5 Reasons Heron Discriminates: (2) It blatantly discriminates against the Chaldean American community by splitting up their people in Troy, Sterling Heights, and Rochester areas.
Al Abdou
Top 5 Reasons Heron Discriminates: (3) It discriminates against inner-city Detroit residents by adding in parts of the city of Detroit with the lakeshore 12th district. This is the same unconstitutional splitting that got us into this legal mess in the first place. It does something similar in Warren and Sterling Heights in the new 10th district. Their Detroit voices will be drowned out... again.
Al Abdou
Top 5 Reasons Heron Discriminates: (4) It does not respect the Arab American community in the new 2nd district as well as it should, including splitting the Dearborn Heights community.
Al Abdou
Top 5 Reason Heron Discriminates: (5) All these people pushing for the "partisan fairness" part are from the other side of the state! Their green dots are from communities that aren't impacted. They don't know better than us.
Luca M.
This map is unfair to Chaldeans. It takes away our votes. Please do not choose. Cardinal is fair to Chaldeans and it is partisan fair.
Chaldean Voices Matter
Anyone claiming Heron or Szetela maps keeps the Chaldeans together are being deceptive. Chaldeans are in community of interests are in Sterling Heights and Troy. Heron or Szetela map clearly splits the Chaldean community. Its like if you have people claiming that its good for Arab-Americans to have a map that splits Dearborn and Dearborn Heights. Commissioners, you would immediately have doubt about the seniority of someone claiming that a map splitting Dearborn and Dearborn Heights is good for Arab-Americans. You should also doubt the sincerity of people claiming that splitting Troy and Sterling Heights is good for Chaldean people. Don't be deceived commissioners. Where there is the Church, there is the community. Cardinal map is best representation for the Chaldean community in District 10.
Chaldean Voices Matter
Where there is the Church, there is the community. This map divide Chaldeans in 3 and splits our vote. Our three Churches in Sterling Heights, Troy and Shelby Township (Border of Rochester Hill) are all in different districts. Chaldeans want one district in Michigan. Cardinal map is the best representation for Chaldeans as it includes all of our Churches in district 10.
This map disenfranchises the Chaldean community. Choose Cardinal instead commissioners.
Bernadette L.
This is map splits the Chaldean voices in Troy and Sterling Heights. Please reject it.
Chaldean Voices Matter
Chaldeans are not represented in this map. Cardinal map best represent our minority community. Please commissioners, do not disenfranchise us. Choose Cardinal. We like district 10 in Cardinal. District 9 in Crane, Dove, Curry, Kellom, Lange, Orton or Wagner are also good for Chaldean community but Cardinal is the number 1 choice.
Farrah Ishiyah
Chaldean community of interest is not being represented here. Please reject this map. Chaldean people want the Cardinal map. All 3 of our churches are in District 10. Troy and Sterling Heights should be together.
Chaldean Voices Matter
Anyone claiming Heron or Szetela maps keeps the Chaldeans together are being deceptive. Chaldeans are in community of interests are in Sterling Heights and Troy. Heron or Szetela map clearly splits the Chaldean community. Its like if you have people claiming that its good for Arab-Americans to have a map that splits Dearborn and Dearborn Heights. Commissioners, you would immediately have doubt about the seniority of someone claiming that a map splitting Dearborn and Dearborn Heights is good for Arab-Americans. You should also doubt the sincerity of people claiming that splitting Troy and Sterling Heights is good for Chaldean people. Don't be deceived commissioners. Do not disenfranchise the Chaldean community in Troy and Sterling Heights. Heron or Szetela map marginalized us Chaldeans. Adapt the Cardinal map instead commissioners! Cardinal best represents the Chaldean community. We have 3 Churches in the area, Saint Joseph in Troy, Saint George in the corner of Shelby Township bordering Rochester Hills, Troy and Sterling Heights, and Holy Martyrs in Sterling Heights. Where the Church is at so is the community!
Chaldean Voices Matter
This map says "Chaldeans should be silenced". Please commissioners, do not silence our Chaldean voices. You have a duty to respect all of COIs. Chaldean is a COI in MI. Use the Cardinal map to give Chaldeans a voice in MI!
Luca M.
Chaldeans wants to be heard too. This map does not give us a voice. Its splits Sterling Heights and Troy where our people are at. 3 of our Chaldean Churches are in 3 different districts. Please reject this map. Is it too much to ask for just one Senate District in MI for the Chaldean community. It seems everyone else is getting their district but Chaldeans are not with this map.
Sally Y
Our Chaldean community should be in one District and not 3. This map splits our Chaldean community. Use the Cardinal map as it best represents our Chaldean community of interest.
Chaldean Voices Matter
Commissioner, where the Church is, so is the community. This map puts our 3 Churches, Saint Joseph, Saint George and Holy Martyrs in 3 different districts. Separating our Chaldean community in 3. Dont be deceived by people who claim this map benefits Chaldeans. How does splitting us in 3 benefit us? I prefer the Cardinal map because it includes all of Sterling Heights with all of Troy together. Crane is second option. Our 3 Churches are all in one district. We are stronger in numbers and not divided!
Eliyah F.
This map is bad for Chaldeans. This map does not respect the Chaldeans living in Troy and Sterling Heights. Please use the Cardinal or Crane map as Chaldeans are represented. This map does not represent the Chaldean community.
Chaldean Voices Matter
Anyone claiming this keeps the Chaldeans together are being deceptive. Chaldeans are in community of interests are in Sterling Heights, Troy and Rochester Hill. This map clearly splits the community. Its like if you have people claiming that its good for Arab-Americans to be split between Dearborn and Dearborn Heights. Commissioners, you would immediately have doubt about the seniority of someone claiming that a map that splits Dearborn and Dearborn Heights its good for Arab-Americans. You should also doubt the sincerity of people claiming that splitting Troy and Sterling Heights is good for Chaldean people. Don't be deceived please. Do not disenfranchise the Chaldean community. This map marginalized us Chaldeans. Reject this map please commissioners!
Sally Y
This map DOES NOT represent my Chaldean community. Very bad map for us! Please listen to us Chaldeans and not people who claim they know what's good for Chaldeans and choosing maps that actually hurt us.
Eliyah F.
This map splits the Chaldean community. Please reject it. Chaldeans wants to have a voice too. It is unfair that all other community of interests are considered but not the Chaldean community of interest in this map.
Chaldean Voices Matter
Good morning commissioners! I have concern about 3 maps which disenfranchises my Chaldean community. Those 3 maps that splits the Chaldean community are Heron, Szetela and Starling. Please please do not use those 3 maps. There are 9 other maps that are respects the Chaldean community. Those maps are Cardinal and Finch with District 10 or Crane, Dove, Curry, Kellom, Lange, Orton or Wagner with District 9. Chaldeans are a protected minorities and we are requesting just one district in MI that respect our community of interests. On November 4, 2021, you commissioners were discussing Dr. Hanley's analysis that was done on the Chaldean community in Sterling heights during your meeting. Please take a look at her analysis of Sterling Heights again and include the Chaldeans in Troy and Rochester Hills. East of Sterling heights was not included with the Linden map. Which disenfranchises the Chaldean community. This is not the first time you have heard this commissioners. I have myself stated this on the Chery V2 map comment portal. which had the same district 10 as Linden, my exact comment was in 2021: Please include East Sterling Heights with rest of Sterling Heights and Troy. Do not disenfranchise the Chaldean communities living in East of Sterling Heights. You can see that specific comment on Cherry v2 plan. But East Sterling Heights wasnt included. It was lumped with Detroit and subsequently, the Linden map ws thrown out. Heron also lumps East Sterling Heights with sections of Detroit. Heron should not be considered based on this fact alone. Also for the fact, unlike Linden which consideres the Chaldean community, Heron totally destroys the Chaldean community of interest and therefore does not meet VRA. Starling and Sztela also splits the Chaldean community. Please go back and look at DR. Hanley's analysis. You have 9 other maps that respects the Chaldean community. Chooss one of them. I prefer the Cardinal and Finch configuration since all of Sterling Heights is included with Troy. Chaldeans have been in MI for over 5 decades. We own many businesses. We contribute to MI economy. We are our own community of interest and should not be lumped with other COIs. Please commisioners, eliminate Heron, Szetela and Starling VIOLATES Chaldean rights, suppresses our votes, marginalize us, disenfranchises our people, and splits and dismisses our voices! Please do not marginalize the already ignored Chaldean community. -We are our own community and all we are asking is for one district in MI. Chaldean voices matter! Thank you commissioners for all your hard work! And have wonderful rest of your day!
just to clarify commissioners on my previous comment, the districts that disenfranchises the Chaldean community are in districts 7, 9 and 10. The Chaldean community is split in 3 here. Please do not choose this map based on not meeting VRA for the Chaldean community.
This map does not respect Chaldean community of interest. It does not meet VRA. Please commissioners, do not choose a map that disenfranchises a protected minority. Thank you commissioners for your hard work.
Isn't this 11th district the same as the current 11th district that was ruled unconstitutional? This map also destroys the Chaldean community of interest and combines Detroit voters with Sterling Heights & St. Clair County voters whom have little in common. I hope the commissioners chose a different map.
Luca M.
This map is discriminates against the Chaldean community. Do not choose please.
Chaldean Voices Matter
This map violates Chaldean rights and divides our voices. The only acceptable configurations for Chaldeans are Cardinal and Finch with District 10 or Crane, Dove, Curry, Kellom, Lange, Orton or Wagner with District 9. The 3 maps of Heron, Szetela and Starling VIOLATES Chaldean rights, suppresses our votes, marginalize us, disenfranchises our people, and splits and dismisses our voices! Please do not use this map!
Chaldean Voices Matter
Chaldeans have been in MI for over 5 decades. We own many businesses. We contribute to MI economy. But we are ignored in this map. The only acceptable configurations for Chaldeans are Cardinal and Finch with District 10 or Crane, Dove, Curry, Kellom, Lange, Orton or Wagner with District 9. The 3 maps of Heron, Szetela and Starling VIOLATES Chaldean rights, suppresses our votes, marginalize us, disenfranchises our people, and dismisses our voices!
Chaldean Voices Matter
This map is loved by people with a political agenda who put "Partisan Fairness" above COIs. But I want to remind this commission that Chaldean people are being disenfranchised with this map. COIs are rated higher than "Partisan Fairness". There are other maps that has both Partisan Fairness and respects all COIs. Those maps are Cardinal, Finch Crane, Dove, Curry, Kellom, Lange, Orton and Wagner. The 3 maps of Heron, Szetela and Starling VIOLATES Chaldean rights, suppresses our votes, marginalize us, disenfranchises our people, and dismisses our voices!
Chaldean Voices Matter
Chaldeans have been in MI for over 5 decades. We own many businesses. We contribute to MI economy. But we are ignored in this map. The only acceptable configurations for Chaldeans are Cardinal and Finch with District 10 or Crane, Dove, Curry, Kellom, Lange, Orton or Wagner with District 9. The 3 maps of Heron, Szetela and Starling VIOLATES Chaldean rights, suppresses our votes, marginalize us, disenfranchises our people, and dismisses our voices!
Farrah Ishiyah
This is a very bad map for Chaldeans. Our people want to have a voice. It is not ok to ignore us. This map infringes on our rights.
Chaldean Voices Matter
This map violates Chaldeans rights by dividing us! The only acceptable configurations for Chaldeans are Cardinal and Finch with District 10 or Crane, Dove, Curry, Kellom, Lange, Orton or Wagner with District 9. The 3 maps of Heron, Szetela and Starling VIOLATES Chaldean rights, suppresses our votes, marginalize us, disenfranchises our people, and dismisses our voices!
Chaldean Voices Matter
Commissioner Szetela, All we as Chaldeans are asking for is to be represented with a fair senate map. This will either be with the Cardinal or the Crane configurations. You are effectively disenfranchising and marginalizing when you dismiss our voices! This map disenfranchises the Chaldean Community of Interest!
Chaldean Voices Matter
False Claim number 4 by commissioner Szetela: It's suspicious that more Chaldeans are putting more comments in as before. As a commissioner, you SHOULD NEVER dismiss a community like you did here! Even if true, SO WHAT if more Chaldean are involved in this process in 2024 than 2021? Isnt this the hope of this commission that more people get involved? Its Voters not Politians correct? Your comment was more inline with a politician making unprovable claims, stating false claims and dismissing a Community of interest than an independent commissioner whose job is to listen to what the communities of interest want. Chaldean is a community of interest and this map violates our rights!
Chaldean Voices Matter
False Claim number 3 by commissioner Szetela: She is a confirmed Catholic so she is familiar with the Chaldean Catholic Church. So? First not all Catholics are the same. Second, we are Eastern rite Catholics and are a big community in MI especially in Sterling Heights, Troy and Rochester Hills. Please do not suppress our votes! This map is the definition of voter suppression!
Chaldean Voices Matter
False Claim number 2 by commissioner Szetela: There are 6 Chaldean Churches in MI. This is just false! Commissioner Szetela there are 10 and not 6 church in the Southeast of Michigan. there are 4 churches on the West side and 5 on the East side and 1 in Grand blanc. I have always promoted a district in the East side that includes the areas of Sterling Heights, Troy and Rochester Hills. Commissioner Szetela cannot even get simple facts about the Chaldean community yet she has the power to marginalize us and it looks like she is using it by making false claims here... Please do not cancel our voices!
Chaldean Voices Matter
False claim number 1 by the caller on 6/11/2024 (I will not mention his name here): Prior to 2024 there were only 4 comments that talk about the Chaldeans in the Sterling Heights area in the State Senate context. commissioner Szetela actually agreed with this caller. This is an absolute false claim commissioner! Here are the facts: A simple search shows the desires of the Chaldean community to include Sterling Heights in the configuration where Chaldeans are at least 7 times in the Lange, Kellom, Szetela, Cherry V2, 10-08-21 V1 SD senate maps. This is only for the map portal I am not including the Public Comment Portal. You are supposed to read both portals! Then what is the point of this portal. Where was the number 4 come from? And I didnt do an extensive search to find more comments regarding the Chaldean community. At best, both that caller and Commissioner Szetela are just wrong and did not do a proper search. At worse they are both lying and trying to promote certain maps and dismiss Chaldean voices. I will give grace to Commissioner Szetela and say she is just wrong in her analysis. Please dont disenfranchise the Chaldean community! But your own senate map, Szetela Plan 404 disenfranchises and divides the Chaldean community...
Chaldean Voices Matter
There was a caller on 6/11/2024 who basically promoted the disenfranchisement of the Chaldean community. What's worse is that commissioner Szetela agreed with that caller and his false claims making false claims of her own! I will mention each of the claims in my proceeding comments.
This map is one of the worse maps for the Chaldean Community! Do not choose and cancel our voices!
Luca M.
Why split the Chaldean community like this? Chaldean voices are being diminished! Please do not use this map!
Eliyah F.
Anyone claiming this map benefits the Chaldean community has an agenda against the Chaldean community and does not want to give us a voice! Please reject this map!
Bernadette L.
This map splits and marginalizes the Chaldean Community!
Chaldean Voices Matter
This map is prejudice against Chaldeans! It marginalized Chaldean Voices! We are our own Community of Interest! We should not be split into 3! This map objectively disfranchises the Chaldean COI!
Chaldean Voices Matter
Those promoting this map as beneficial to the Chaldean community are lying! We are a community of interest that want our own district! District that includes, Troy, Sterling Heights and Rochester Hills like Crane or Troy, Sterling Heights and Madison Heights like Cardinal. Any other configurations is a direct voter suppression against the Chaldean Community! Please DO NOT divide us!
Chaldean Voices Matter
This map disenfranchises the Chaldean community. Chaldean voices matter! Please do not split our voices!
Jan Baumgras
I oppose this map. District 11 looks very much like it did before, which concerns me because I want the implemented map to be one submitted by the MICRC - the method approved by the voters in 2018 - not one drawn by a Master chosen by the court. My concern with map 376 is that the court included district 11 as one that had to be redrawn, so will they approve a map where district 11 has not changed much? Rather than risk the court's disapproval, I suggest that the MICRC choose instead map 404. 404 has similar metrics, but district 11 has been modified more.
Yousif Y.
Hi commissioners! Hope you are doing well today. I went back and listened to yesterday’s meeting as I had missed it earlier. I was disappointed to hear that a caller was advocating for ignoring the Chaldean community of interests because that caller believed a supposed republican operative is advocating for certain maps and using the Chaldean community for his advocacy. I would like to respond to this. First, in 2021 I have called multiple times, showed up to few meetings and have inputted more than 50 comments in the portal advocating for fair maps for the Chaldean Community for all senate, house and congressional. I never felt the need to mention the Chaldean Churches. So I just want to make few clarifying points. There are 10 Chaldean churches in MI. 4 on the West side, west meaning west of Livernois or main st. 5 on the East side and 1 in Grand Blanc. This info can be easily found when visiting St Thomas Chaldean Dioceses website and going to Our Churches link. For the senate maps, my main concern has always been for the Chaldeans on the East side because I have always lived on the East side since immigrating to the US. Now I have not heard of that supposed republican operative’s call or ever met him but i can guess the 3 Chaldean Churches in question are St Joseph in Troy, Holy Martyrs in Sterling Heights and St George in Shelby Township. If looking at these three Churches, then the Crane or the dove maps includes all of the 3 Churches within district 9! And the Cardinal map in District 10. And that is why I was advocating for the Crane or the Dove maps previously . But looking at the Cardinal map more closely, the Chaldean community in District 10 is represented more fully in the Cardinal map. But it does exclude Chaldeans in Rochester Hills. No map is perfect. And sacrifices must be made. There are Chaldeans in Madison Heights so I am really fine with Cardinal for senate map! So for Chaldean community of interest and looking at the Cardinal map more closely, my first choice now is Cardinal, second is Crane and third is Dove. Chaldeans have been ignored until this commission was formed! You commissioners did a great job on the Linden map for the Chaldean community. But the Cardinal, Crane and the Dove maps are even better representation for Chaldeans than the Linden map was. Please dont split the Chaldean community and undo the awesome job you did with Linden! Chaldean community is a COI. I could be wrong, but isnt COI rated higher than partisan fairness. Please don’t sacrifice the Chaldean community for supposedly a little more partisan fairness. Adopt either the Cardinal, Crane or Dove map. I thank you commissioners for all your hard work!
Yousif Y.
Please do not split the Chaldean Community in 3 by choosing this map!
Yousif Y.
Hi commissioners! Thank you for allowing me to speak a second time. I would like to make a few more points. I was very involved in 2021. One thing I noticed is that many organizations give copy and paste responses to their members and that was never an issue until I guess someone did it with Chaldeans. Since more Chaldeans or those advocating for Chaldeans are calling in, a caller had an issue with this. But whats more disheartening is that one of your own commissioners agreed with that caller. First, even if that commissioner is a confirmed Catholic, that doesnt mean that commissioner knows that Chaldean Catholic community. We are Eastern rite Catholics and not Latin rite. Just because we are both Catholics that doesnt mean we are the same! Second, That commissioner didnt get the number of Chaldean Churches in US or MI correct. There are 13 Churches that belong to the St Thomas Chaldean Diocese and not 9. There are 10 and not 6 church in the Southeast of Michigan. As I mentioned before, there are 4 churches on the West side and 5 on the East side and 1 in Grand blanc. That commissioner didnt even know the difference between East side Chaldeans Churches and West Chaldean Churches. I have always been advocating for senate and state maps for East side Chaldeans since I am from this area and more familiar with it. So that caller and that commissioner were implying that if more Chaldean started calling advocating for a map that benefit them, something nefarious is going on, it’s suspicious and Chaldeans should be ignored now? Why the same wasnt said about other groups and COIs who called together and had copy and paste responses? Perhaps that commissioner doesnt know the Chaldean community well? My question is, why are Chaldeans being treated differently and being put on the back burner now? I looked at the Heron map after that call and it is horrible for Chaldeans. So now lets objectively look at the partisan fairness differences between the Cardinal map and the Heron map. This is from your own data. Efficiency Gap: Both at dem +0.8 Seat Vote Ratio: Both at 22-16 for Democrats Lopsided margin: Cardinal at 3.6 for rep and Heron is 3.8 for republican similar but Cardinal gives a fairer margin for Democrats. You can see the similarities between both those maps in terms of partisan fairness. If anything Cardinal is fairer than Heron when it comes to Partisan Fairness. The only thing the Heron accomplishes is that it destroy the Chaldean Community of interest and splits it in 3… This is not my opinion but Heron splits the Chaldean community objectively speaking! Please do not split the Chaldean community by choosing a map like Heron. I really thank you commissioners for your hard work and looking forward to a fair map that respects and put COI above any republican or democrat requests. I am not involved in either parties and just want a fair senate map for Chaldeans. Please choose Cardinal this is my number 1 choice, Crane as my number 2 or Dove as the number 3 to respect the Chaldean COI and those maps also respects other COIs. Thank you so much commissioners!
Sally Y.
This is a very bad map for the Chaldean community. It splits the Chaldean community in 3. Please do NOT choose this map. Chaldeans are ignored in this map.
This map is OK, but I do not like what it does to Sterling Heights or Farmington Hills.
Yousif Y.
This map destroys the Chaldean Community of interest. Please reject it! Thanks Commissioners for all your hard work!
james ward leyerle
Not sure how Jefferson Chalmers and Harsens' Island fit together except for shoreline concerns...
Rhonda Najor
CHALDEANS MATTER. Trying to divide us like this is a sham.
Rhonda Najor
This map is a DISGRACE to my Chaldean community!! It chops us up and gives us no voice! We deserve a voice, we matter! OUR. PEOPLE. MATTER!!! Write that down.
Douglas Floto
This map gives an unfair advantage to rural areas to the west and north of Commerce Township. Our community is more suburban. It splits the township in two and relegates us to rural communities that favor Republicans. The freeways take us to our jobs in Detroit. We are much more aligned suburban communities to the south and east.
Amber Andrini
What is this over? It's just more degrading of suburban COIs for no reason. How hard is it to listen to the people and what they want?
Amber Andrini
These lines don't follow Detroit neighborhoods very closely, hurting city COIs. On top of that, this hurts Chaldean suburban COIs. Other maps score just as well on partisan fairness anyway. This is not the one.
Raven Harris
It’s clear to me that members of the commission have not spent much time in Detroit. Anyone who would lump us in with Macomb has to be out of their mind. Please reject this map and consider one that actually protects our voice! We need representatives that actually represent US! Signed pissed off Detroiters!
Sam Peter
We need to protect the Chaldean community of interest from being neglected. We have been systematically targeted and persecuted for years. Our community has faced relentless efforts to erase our identity through violence, displacement, and discrimination. Please do not contribute to the threats of our existence. This map is a slap in the face of the preservation of diverse cultural communities.
John Hubel
I encourage you to oppose the Heron map because it makes almost no change to the current 11th district that was ruled unconstitutional by the federal court.
Jamie Roe
This map splits the Chaldean Community of Interest into three separate districts. It divides the people, 3 major churches and the community foundation. It's almost like you are trying to divide the Chaldean Community. Reject!
Shelia A.B.
It's like the commission chose to intentionally disenfranchise the chaldean community with this map. It's like the drawer of this map tried to split them up and silence their rights
Shelia A.B.
This district is an almost exact copy of the district that the judges said was unconstitutional. Your lawyers told you not to do this. Heron is unconstitutional.
Marie Kazanowski
This is not what teh chaldean community has asked for at all. Very poor.
Marie Kazanowski
This is not what teh Arabic community has asked for. Very poor.
Marie Kazanowski
This is a poor map for respecting communities of interest. It does not respect or fulfill the requests made of many communities of interest and what they asked for.
Michaela Smith
This does NOT protect ethnicities communities of interest. It is NOT what the Arabic community wanted. It is definitely NOT what the chaldean community wanted. It also does NOT do as good of a job at protecting the LGBTQ and other communities of interest. That was what you should have done first.
Stephen Abbott
I've lived in all three counties that are changed. This map doesn't make much sense with the places and peoople it puts together. not very good communities of interest
Sarah Abbs
Disappointing developments in this "Heron" map number so high, they are too numerous to even discuss here. Among them, however, is the mockery that is focused squarely on the people of Sterling Heights, Warren, and northern Detroit in the 10th district. Not only does the commission here unwisely split the good peoples of Sterling Heights into multiple sections, but they also subject several thousand northern Detroit residents to be outvoted massively by their Macomb counterparts. This poor planning, combined with the likely still-unconstitutional recreation of the existing 11th district, should render this map null and void. Thankfully, there are other maps from which the commissioners should choose.
Brent B
This is a disastrous map. Completely destroys the chaldean COI, messes with areas that shouldn't be messed with. The central macomb seat looks the same as the map the courts stuck down. Adding deep detroit with the lake saint clair is a horrible violation of communities of interest. Heron is a bad, bad map
I would move Southfield Township (Beverly Hills, Franklin, Bingham Farms) out of district 3 and into district 9 and take southern Oakland out of district 9. Beverly Hills, Franklin, Bingham Farms are in the same school district as Birmingham and share demographics. They have much more in common with each other than they do with Southfield or southern Oakland.
Fabrice Smieliauskas
Each State Senate seat represents about 263,000 Michiganders. Among cities in the state, only Detroit exceeds this number in population. It stands to reason that almost all cities in Michigan – which are the truest “communities of interest”, by virtue of having a common identity, migration patterns, and a city government – should not be split across Senate districts, other than perhaps tiny chunks of cities necessary to fill out the population for a Seat. And yet, this map splits Troy right down the middle at Rochester Road, which is the informal dividing line between “East Troy” and “West Troy”. This will exacerbate historical divisions of class, income, and ethnicity between the two sides of Troy, when the common school district between the two sides, as well as gentrification, are moving to unify the city in a beautiful way. None of the other eleven maps shares this problem in Troy.
Kevin Krause
The City of Romulus stands out because it has a population of around 25,000 yet serves over 100,000 people daily due to DTW. This leads to unique challenges regarding our representation. Romulus' representation became diluted when our House Districts increased to three, and with two additional Senators, the situation will likely worsen. It's uncommon for a city to have so many representatives. Such a change could be detrimental to a city that supports DTW. The plea is to keep Romulus united. While this proposal does that it adds us too other Cities that are do not have similar make up as it pertains to overall population, business and concerns. This map is not as good as the Crane option for Romulus but better than the Finch V2 option