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2020 Census PL 94.171 Data
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Claire S Vial
This map is isolating democratically "safe" districts to try to gain advantage for republicans in surrounding districts
Mmm no thanks. I'm having a hard time following the community of interest logic that went into this one.
If the commission wanted a map that adequately represented Detroit's interests, they would have done the Michigan State MSU map or the Cardinal or Finch maps, which were based off of the input from the house map that everyone agreed upon. This one does not live up to that standard. COIs matter, just not to this map for some reason
Liz Moss
Should Lincoln Park be with people right up next to Harper Woods? Should Livonia be included with neighborhoods by Dearborn? Should Eastpointe be with Sterling Heights? Should Detroit precincts near Belle Isle be with Clay Township? Nahh. This map doesn't even try to do communities of interest or listen to what people want. It is like a random computer spit this out.
Dash Wideman
Detroit city outvoted by suburbs again on this map. Doing same bad thing again
Dash Wideman
Waterford to Royal Oak is uh different. Definitly not a community of interest
Dash Wideman
I know people forget about Detroit. But this looks not good. It is all choppy and random. These neighborhood combos are different. Neighborhoods like each other should be the same map not this.
H. Jarbour
How does Huron belong with Canton and Westland and not their downriver neighbors? That doesn't make any sense, and does not follow community of interest at all.
Question: how does connecting Detroit city with people way out in Saint Clair make any sense? Answer: it doesn't. This map has no desire to follow communities of interest.
Sarah Abbott
This map destroys communities of interest. It hurts people in Detroit for the sake of lower criteria in the Michigan state Constitution. It should be rejected outright for not following the constitutional criteria and hurting COIs.
Justine True
I prefer something more similar to the Motown Sound map for Detroit that was so popular and that the courts and the commissioners approved of. This map seems to care less about communities of interest overall. Why else would you put the city of detroit folks with farming folks two counties north of here?
Justine True
I do not understand the alterations to Waterford to put them with Pontiac and other communities that are not similar. I also do not understand the grouping of Eastpointe with more outer suburban Macomb, or the strange concoction that is western Wayne county. This seems like a map that was drawn for partisan fairness goals, which is lower than communities of interest goals. That is simply wrong. This map does not respect communities of interest as the constitution says it should.
S. Mannan
This is meh for my community. But it would be better with all of my home of Sterling Heights and Troy with Rochester. It's not ideal this way. Either leave that old district alone or unite all of my home with a chaldean district.
Deq Martin
pontiac ppl with bloomfeld but not southfeld? dumb.
Deq Martin
this mapper never been to detroit. neghbrhoods dont make no sense for the ppl!!
Deq Martin
the mappers ever been to detroit? what do ppl in these nghbrhoods have to do with ppl way up by saint clare???
Al Abdou
This is discriminating against the Arab American community by not giving them the areas that include their people. Please don't silence their voices, and please pick a different map.
Al Abdou
This discriminates against the African American parts of Detroit by including them with the lakeshore 12th district. This is what got us into this legal mess in the first place and will drown out their voices... again.
Lisa F Peers
This map is too broad and doesn't represent the Birmingham community well. Please do not use this map.
james ward leyerle
Splitting Royal Oak seems like an un-needed breaking up of a definite CoI
Sharon Baseman
Like the Szetela map, I don't like the way this splits our part of Oakland County away and puts it with a large section of Macomb County. The Heron map does a much better job of keeping COI together in our part of Oakland County.
Amber Andrini
The failure of this "BK" map is that it does not do a good job of joining suburban COIs like the Arab community. It hurts other suburban COIs that have testified. What's so hard about hearing what the people want and how they want their communities of interest?
This map is just as bad as the maps that were enacted and put the commission at risk of facing even more lawsuits. You should not be putting Detroiters with St. Clair County voters. Please respect our voice and protect our community of interest. Detroiters deserve a shot to elect leaders of our choice.
Ali R.
It’s incredibly infuriating that the commission is neglecting the need to protect the Arab vote. This blatant disregard for Arab voters is a betrayal of the promises made to ensure fair representation and equality. It's unacceptable that systemic disenfranchisement continues under these proposed maps.
Abby Schwartz
there are better maps to choose from
Shelia A.B.
The arabic communities have asked for a very clear, direct community that includes their people. This map does not include that at all. Other geographic communities are also not respected all across this map. In my opinion, this lack of respect for communities of interest may make this map unconstitutional.
Marie Kazanowski
This is a poor map for respecting communities of interest. It does not fulfill what the Taylor community, lakeshore community, chaldean community, arab community, and many others have asked for.
Sherry B Trezise
Please do NOT adopt this map. On a statewide basis, we voters want a map which reflects partisan fairness....not bias toward either political party. This map does not do that.
Michaela Smith
This map does NOT support all of the ethnic communities and other communities of interest you heard all about when they made their voices heard. It does NOT support the downriver community of interest, does NOT support the LGBTQ community of interest, does NOT do as good of a job of supporting detroit neighborhoods, and does NOT NOT NOT support what the Arabic community wants.
Eugene Laf
Again another map that has Detroit with St. Clair County.
Stephen Abbott
Harper woods and detroit dont belong in the grosse pointes map. This is not a good design for grouping communities and similarities.
Stephen Abbott
As someone who has lived in all three of the counties, this map doesn't make a lot of sense to me. It does not group likeminded communities together in parts of Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb.
Karen Adams
Commerce Township is just thrown away into a rural area regardless of the interests of the residents of this very developed, suburban area.
Sarah Abbs
Unfortunately, the redistricting commission has developed an entirely disappointing map, yet again. Thankfully, there are much better options made available to them and the people of our great state. I would encourage you, commissioners, to look for something that better protects our metro Detroit communities.
Brent B
Adding inner detroit to the lake saint clair district that had originally been drawn for community of interest concerns violates communities of interest. this would be bad
Brent B
This "C" shape for the larger Canton area is bad.