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Chaldean people are ignored in this map. Choose either Cardinal, Dove, Lange or Curry. Thanks Commissioners!
Eliyah F.
Please don't ignore Chaldean voices! This map divides Chaldeans. Please read this submission: Thanks commissioners!
This map disenfranchises the Chaldean community. Please reject it. Best maps are Cardinal, Dove, Lange, and Curry that do not split Chaldean voices.
Luca M.
Commissioners, remember COI is much more important than "Partisan Fairness" that some are saying. This map hurt my Chaldean people. Cardinal is a good and fair map. Dove, Lange, and Curry is also good and fair map. Hear our voices please! Heron, Szetela and Starling hurts Chaldean people.
Chaldean Voices Matter
The Churches we want to be represented in one district are: Saint Joseph Chaldean Church, Saint George Chaldean Church and Holy Martyrs Chaldean Church. Cardinal district 10 achieves this! It is also scores high on Partisan Fairness. Cardinal is the way to go commissioners! :) Thank you again for all your hard work!
Chaldean Voices Matter
I see N. Joyrich knows nothing about our Chaldean community. This map divides our people, our churches and our voice. So it cannot be good for our community. As I have said before, Where there is the Church, There is the Community! I am saddened to see there are prejudice people targeting our Chaldean community and trying to split our voices...
Bernadette L.
This a very bad map for Chaldeans. This divides our community and our Churches. Our people want to have a voice. The best map for us is Cardinal with district 10. Please listen to us Chaldeans rather than some bad actors who know nothing about our community. A good read regarding what we really want can be found in this comment on MICRC portal:
Liz Moss
This seems like a bad split when there has been so much support for the chaldean community of interest.
Liz Moss
Taylor being chopped in half? Why is Taylor being screwed again?
Dash Wideman
I know people forget about Detroit. But this looks not good. It is all choppy and random. These neighborhood combos are different. Neighborhoods like each other should be the same map not this.
Hanna Jarbour
Question: How do you justify doing this to our Chaldean community? Answer: You can't!! Our community should be valued. We matter more than this map seems to believe. I ask the remaining commissioners not targeting my community to stand firm against any map that hurts our community!
Chaldean Voices Matter
Hi commissioners! Please read the letter, link at the end of this comment, by Mr. Martin Manna before your deliberations next week. Please do not marginalize Chaldeans... Reject Heron/Szetela/Starling and adopt Cardinal.
Eliyah F.
Reject Szetela, Heron and Starling the same way these maps rejects my Chaldean people. Cardinal District 10 respects Chaldeans.
Sally Y
I forgot to mention, Chaldeans want Cardinal! It is fair, and it respects all COIs as well.
Sally Y
This map divides the Chaldean community into 3. As a Chaldean, I am really appalled that there are people on here claiming this map helps Chaldeans when it clearly divides Chaldeans. Please reject Heron, Szetela and Starling maps. Thanks commissioners for all your hard work!
Chaldean Voices Matter
I want make this simple, while there are few acceptable maps that Chaldeans can live with, the 2 that must be rejected are Heron and Szetela. Our number 1 choice is Cardinal! Thanks commissioners! :) No one likes Starling anyway so dont choose Starling either!
Chaldean Voices Matter
I want make this simple, while there are few acceptable maps that Chaldeans can live with, the 2 that must be rejected are Heron and Szetela. Our number 1 choice is Cardinal! Thanks commissioners! :)
Chaldean Voices Matter
Mr. Martin Manna serves as Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce and Chaldean Community Foundation. Please Read his letter on the MICRC public comments portal and REJECT Heron and Szetela maps! Choose Cardinal. Thank you commissioners!
Bernadette L.
Reject this map! Chaldeans are being ignored with this map. Please hear our voices commissioners! Choose Cardinal map.
Chaldean Voices Matter
I just read the letter of Mr. Martin Manna who serves Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce and Chaldean Community Foundation. This letter can be found on the MICRC public comments portal. I invite you commissioners to read it and REJECT This map!
Sarah Abbott Boerema
This map hurts COIs in the Chaldean, Arab, and Detroit neighborhoods. The only selling point of this map is the partisan fairness score. That's because it destroys communities of interest to get to this point, which violates the Michigan State Constitution's ranked criteria. It should be rejected. COIs still matter. #ShowUpSpeakUp
Justine True
This looks like someone who tried to chop up communities of interest to get a "different" partisan fairness goal. Taylor has a chance to be fixed, but I guess that's too hard. It splits up other communities of interest in Oakland as other comments have said. But the big picture: communities rank higher than partisan fairness, so the goal of this whole map was wrong to begin with.
Chaldean Voices Matter
I am really sad to see many people are prejudice against my Chaldeans community. They are initially promoting a 2 maps (Heron and Szetela) that specifically hurts Chaldeans. We are peaceful people. All we ask for is one district. Cardinal district 10 is the best representation for Chaldeans. Those who claim Szetela and Heron benefit Chaldeans are being deceptive. Please commissioners choose Cardinal. Thank you commissioners for all your hard work commissioners.
S. Mannan
This attacking of my people could not be any more obvious..... You should read Martin's letter from our community foundation before you vote for a map that hurts my people like this map is attempting to do.
Deq Martin
the mappers ever been to Detroit? This is dumb. Puts ppl not in the good nghbrhoods.
Al Abdou
This is another map where people from the other parts of the state are shouting "partisan fairness" even though they don't live over here, they don't know what's best for our region and our communities.
Al Abdou
This is a disenfranching map to say the least. Hurts Chaldean Americans pretty clearly.
Luca M.
This map is unfair to Chaldeans. It takes away our votes. Please do not choose. Cardinal is fair to Chaldeans and it is partisan fair.
Chaldean Voices Matter
Anyone claiming Heron or Szetela maps keeps the Chaldeans together are being deceptive. Chaldeans are in community of interests are in Sterling Heights and Troy. Heron or Szetela map clearly splits the Chaldean community. Its like if you have people claiming that its good for Arab-Americans to have a map that splits Dearborn and Dearborn Heights. Commissioners, you would immediately have doubt about the seniority of someone claiming that a map splitting Dearborn and Dearborn Heights is good for Arab-Americans. You should also doubt the sincerity of people claiming that splitting Troy and Sterling Heights is good for Chaldean people. Don't be deceived commissioners. Where there is the Church, there is the community.
Chaldean Voices Matter
Where there is the Church, there is the community. This map divide Chaldeans in 3 and splits our vote. Our three Churches in Sterling Heights, Troy and Shelby Township (Border of Rochester Hill) are all in different districts. Chaldeans want one district in Michigan. Cardinal map is the best representation for Chaldeans as it includes all of our Churches in district 10.
This map disenfranchises the Chaldean community. Choose Cardinal instead commissioners.
Darryl Conliffe
Would much prefer a better COI consideration for Farmington & Farmington Hills.
Bernadette L.
This is map splits the Chaldean voices in Troy and Sterling Heights. Please reject it.
Chaldean Voices Matter
Chaldeans are not represented in this map. Cardinal map best represent our minority community. Please commissioners, do not disenfranchise us. Choose Cardinal. We like district 10 in Cardinal. District 9 in Crane, Dove, Curry, Kellom, Lange, Orton or Wagner are also good for Chaldean community but Cardinal is the number 1 choice.
Farrah Ishiyah
Chaldean community of interest is not being represented here. Please reject this map. Chaldean people want the Cardinal map. All 3 of our churches are in District 10. Troy and Sterling Heights should be together.
Chaldean Voices Matter
Anyone claiming Heron or Szetela maps keeps the Chaldeans together are being deceptive. Chaldeans are in community of interests are in Sterling Heights and Troy. Heron or Szetela map clearly splits the Chaldean community. Its like if you have people claiming that its good for Arab-Americans to have a map that splits Dearborn and Dearborn Heights. Commissioners, you would immediately have doubt about the seniority of someone claiming that a map splitting Dearborn and Dearborn Heights is good for Arab-Americans. You should also doubt the sincerity of people claiming that splitting Troy and Sterling Heights is good for Chaldean people. Don't be deceived commissioners. Do not disenfranchise the Chaldean community in Troy and Sterling Heights. Heron or Szetela map marginalized us Chaldeans. Adapt the Cardinal map instead commissioners! Cardinal best represents the Chaldean community. We have 3 Churches in the area, Saint Joseph in Troy, Saint George in the corner of Shelby Township bordering Rochester Hills, Troy and Sterling Heights, and Holy Martyrs in Sterling Heights. Where the Church is at so is the community!
Chaldean Voices Matter
This map says "Chaldeans should be silenced". Please commissioners, do not silence our Chaldean voices. You have a duty to respect all of COIs. Chaldean is a COI in MI. Use the Cardinal map to give Chaldeans a voice in MI!
Luca M.
Chaldeans wants to be heard too. This map does not give us a voice. Its splits Sterling Heights and Troy where our people are at. 3 of our Chaldean Churches are in 3 different districts. Please reject this map. Is it too much to ask for just one Senate District in MI for the Chaldean community. It seems everyone else is getting their district but Chaldeans are not with this map.
Sally Y
Our Chaldean community should be in one District and not 3. This map splits our Chaldean community. Use the Cardinal map as it best represents our Chaldean community of interest.
Chaldean Voices Matter
Commissioner, where the Church is, so is the community. This map puts our 3 Churches, Saint Joseph, Saint George and Holy Martyrs in 3 different districts. Separating our Chaldean community in 3. Dont be deceived by people who claim this map benefits Chaldeans. How does splitting us in 3 benefit us? I prefer the Cardinal map because it includes all of Sterling Heights with all of Troy together. Crane is second option. Our 3 Churches are all in one district. We are stronger in numbers and not divided!
Eliyah F.
This map is bad for Chaldeans. This map does not respect the Chaldeans living in Troy and Sterling Heights. Please use the Cardinal or Crane map as Chaldeans are represented better.
Chaldean Voices Matter
Anyone claiming this keeps the Chaldeans together are being deceptive. Chaldeans are in community of interests are in Sterling Heights, Troy and Rochester Hill. This map clearly splits the community. Its like if you have people claiming that its good for Arab-Americans to be split between Dearborn and Dearborn Heights. Commissioners, you would immediately have doubt about the seniority of someone claiming that a map that splits Dearborn and Dearborn Heights its good for Arab-Americans. You should also doubt the sincerity of people claiming that splitting Troy and Sterling Heights is good for Chaldean people. Don't be deceived please. Do not disenfranchise the Chaldean community. This map marginalized us Chaldeans. Reject this map please commissioners!
Sally Y
This map DOES NOT represent my Chaldean community. Very bad map for us! Please listen to us Chaldeans and not people who claim they know what's good for Chaldeans and choosing maps that actually hurt us.
Eliyah F.
This map splits the Chaldean community. Please reject it. Chaldeans wants to have a voice too. It is unfair that all other community of interests are considered but not the Chaldean community of interest in this map.
Chris Gilmer Hill
pls ignore previous comment - while i was scrolling through just now I noticed I mixed up my comments for 404 and 373. This map actually does a pretty decent job on detroit neighborhood boundaries, so props to comm. Szetela. I would suggest that Southfield and Pontiac shouldn't really be in the same district, however; imo that really leans towards a racial gerrymander in oakland, since they have little in common other than race
Chaldean Voices Matter
Good morning commisioners! I have concern about 3 maps which disefranchises my Chaldean community. Those 3 maps that splits the Chaldean community are Heron, Szetela and Starling. Please please do not use those 3 maps. There are 9 other maps that are respects the Chaldean community. Those maps are Cardinal and Finch with District 10 or Crane, Dove, Curry, Kellom, Lange, Orton or Wagner with District 9. Chaldeans are a protected minory and we are requesting just one district in MI that respect our community of interests. On Noverber 4, 2021, you commisioners were discussing Dr. Hanley's analysis that was done on the Chaldean community in Sterling heights during your meeting. Please take a look at her analysis of Sterling Heights again and include the Chaldeans in Troy and Rchester Hills. East of Sterling heights was not included with the Linden map. Which disenfrenchises the Chaldean community. This is not the first time you have heard this commissioners. I have myself stated this on the Chery V2 map comment portal. which had the same district 10 as Linden, my exact comment was in 2021: Please include East Sterling Heights with rest of Sterling Heights and Troy. Do not disenfranchise the Chaldean communities living in East of Sterling Heights. You can see that specific comment on Cherry v2 plan. But East Sterling Heights wasnt included. It was lumped with Detroit and subsequently, the Linden map ws thrown out. Heron also lumps East Sterling Heights with sections of Detroit. Heron should not be considered based on this fact alone. Also for the fact, unlike Linden which consideres the Chaldean community, Heron totally destroys the Chaldean community of interest and therefore does not meet VRA. Starling and Sztela also splits the Chaldean community. Please go back and look at DR. Hanley's analysis. You have 9 other maps that respects the Chaldean community. Chooss one of them. I prefer the Cardinal and Finch configuration since all of Sterling Heights is included with Troy. Chaldeans have been in MI for over 5 decades. We own many businesses. We contribute to MI economy. We are our own community of interest and should not be lumped with other COIs. Please commisioners, eliminate Heron, Szetela and Starling VIOLATES Chaldean rights, suppresses our votes, marginalize us, disenfranchises our people, and splits and dismisses our voices! Please do not margilize the already ignored Chaldean community. -We are our own community and all we are asking is for one district in MI. Chaldean voices matter! Thank you commisioners for all your hard work! And have wonderful rest of your day!
This map splits up a number of communities that don't deserve to be divided: Taylor & the downriver community, the Chaldean communities of Troy & Sterling Heights, and Eastpointe has more in common with Warren and Detroit than it does with Sterling Heights.
Chaldean Voices Matter
Chaldeans have been in MI for over 5 decades. We own many businesses. We contribute to MI economy. But we are ignored in this map. The only acceptable configurations for Chaldeans are Cardinal and Finch with District 10 or Crane, Dove, Curry, Kellom, Lange, Orton or Wagner with District 9. The 3 maps of Heron, Szetela and Starling VIOLATES Chaldean rights, suppresses our votes, marginalize us, disenfranchises our people, and dismisses our voices!
Luca M.
This map is discriminates against the Chaldean community. Do not choose please.
Chaldean Voices Matter
This map violates Chaldean rights and divides our voices. The only acceptable configurations for Chaldeans are Cardinal and Finch with District 10 or Crane, Dove, Curry, Kellom, Lange, Orton or Wagner with District 9. The 3 maps of Heron, Szetela and Starling VIOLATES Chaldean rights, suppresses our votes, marginalize us, disenfranchises our people, and splits and dismisses our voices! Please do not use this map!
Doris Masters
This map breaks communities of interest apart and hurts the Chaldean community. It also hurts Detroit's representation by splitting up neighborhoods into different districts. Bad map.
Chaldean Voices Matter
This map violates Chaldeans rights by dividing us! The only acceptable configurations for Chaldeans are Cardinal and Finch with District 10 or Crane, Dove, Curry, Kellom, Lange, Orton or Wagner with District 9. The 3 maps of Heron, Szetela and Starling VIOLATES Chaldean rights, suppresses our votes, marginalize us, disenfranchises our people, and dismisses our voices!
Yousif Y.
This map destroys the Chaldean Community of interest. Please reject it! Thanks Commissioners for all your hard work!
Eliyah F.
This is a very bad mad for Chaldeans. We are not being represented with this map. Do no marginalize us! Reject this map for the Chaldean people! Crane or Cardinal are good for Chaldeans!
Luca M.
This is a very bad map for Chaldeans. Our voices need to be heard! Do not ignore us! We want a map that includes Sterling Heights, Troy and Rochester Hills together!
Bernadette L.
This map violates Chaldean rights and diminishes our voices! Please do not choose this map!
Chaldean Voices Matter
Chaldeans have been in MI for over 5 decades. We own many businesses. We contribute to MI economy. But we are ignored in this map. The only acceptable configurations for Chaldeans are Cardinal and Finch with District 10 or Crane, Dove, Curry, Kellom, Lange, Orton or Wagner with District 9. The 3 maps of Heron, Szetela and Starling VIOLATES Chaldean rights, suppresses our votes, marginalize us, disenfranchises our people, and dismisses our voices!
Farrah Ishiyah
This is a very bad map for Chaldeans. Our people want to have a voice. It is not ok to ignore us. This map infringes on our rights.
Chaldean Voices Matter
This map violates Chaldeans rights by dividing us! The only acceptable configurations for Chaldeans are Cardinal and Finch with District 10 or Crane, Dove, Curry, Kellom, Lange, Orton or Wagner with District 9. The 3 maps of Heron, Szetela and Starling VIOLATES Chaldean rights, suppresses our votes, marginalize us, disenfranchises our people, and dismisses our voices!
Chaldean Voices Matter
Commissioner Szetela, All we as Chaldeans are asking for is to be represented with a fair senate map. This will either be with the Cardinal or the Crane configurations. You are effectively disenfranchising and marginalizing when you dismiss our voices! This map disenfranchises the Chaldean Community of Interest!
Chaldean Voices Matter
False Claim number 4 by commissioner Szetela: It's suspicious that more Chaldeans are putting more comments in as before. As a commissioner, you SHOULD NEVER dismiss a community like you did here! Even if true, SO WHAT if more Chaldean are involved in this process in 2024 than 2021? Isnt this the hope of this commission that more people get involved? Its Voters not Politians correct? Your comment was more inline with a politician making unprovable claims, stating false claims and dismissing a Community of interest than an independent commissioner whose job is to listen to what the communities of interest want. Chaldean is a community of interest and this map violates our rights!
Chaldean Voices Matter
False Claim number 3 by commissioner Szetela: She is a confirmed Catholic so she is familiar with the Chaldean Catholic Church. So? First not all Catholics are the same. Second, we are Eastern rite Catholics and are a big community in MI especially in Sterling Heights, Troy and Rochester Hills. Please do not suppress our votes! This map is the definition of voter suppression!
Chaldean Voices Matter
False Claim number 2 by commissioner Szetela: There are 6 Chaldean Churches in MI. This is just false! Commissioner Szetela there are 10 and not 6 church in the Southeast of Michigan. there are 4 churches on the West side and 5 on the East side and 1 in Grand blanc. I have always promoted a district in the East side that includes the areas of Sterling Heights, Troy and Rochester Hills. Commissioner Szetela cannot even get simple facts about the Chaldean community yet she has the power to marginalize us and it looks like she is using it by making false claims here... Please do not cancel our voices!
Chaldean Voices Matter
False claim number 1 by the caller on 6/11/2024 (I will not mention his name here): Prior to 2024 there were only 4 comments that talk about the Chaldeans in the Sterling Heights area in the State Senate context. commissioner Szetela actually agreed with this caller. This is an absolute false claim commissioner! Here are the facts: A simple search shows the desires of the Chaldean community to include Sterling Heights in the configuration where Chaldeans are at least 7 times in the Lange, Kellom, Szetela, Cherry V2, 10-08-21 V1 SD senate maps. This is only for the map portal I am not including the Public Comment Portal. You are supposed to read both portals! Then what is the point of this portal. Where was the number 4 come from? And I didnt do an extensive search to find more comments regarding the Chaldean community. At best, both that caller and Commissioner Szetela are just wrong and did not do a proper search. At worse they are both lying and trying to promote certain maps and dismiss Chaldean voices. I will give grace to Commissioner Szetela and say she is just wrong in her analysis. Please dont disenfranchise the Chaldean community! But your own senate map, Szetela Plan 404 disenfranchises and divides the Chaldean community...
Chaldean Voices Matter
There was a caller on 6/11/2024 who basically promoted the disenfranchisement of the Chaldean community. What's worse is that commissioner Szetela agreed with that caller and his false claims making false claims of her own! I will mention each of the claims in my proceeding comments.
Yousif Y.
I read some of the comments claiming that this respects Chaldean COIs, they are ignorant of the Chaldean community. This map splits the Chaldean communities objectively speaking. What's more, those commentators arent even Chaldean, based on their names. So how can they claim it benefits the Chaldean COIs when they arent even Chaldeans themselves? I know they arent Chaldean because I am Chaldean myself and I know and love my community.
Yousif Y.
This map disregards the Chaldean COIs. Please choose a map that considers Chaldeans. COI is higher than any partisan fairness that others are mentioning. There are other maps with good partisan fairness such as Cardinal, Crane or Dove and also respects the Chaldean communities and all the other COIs.
Jan Baumgras
This map has good scores similar to map 376, but, unlike 376, district 11 has been more significantly modified. Since the court included 11 as one of the districts that needed to be modified, it seems reasonable to me that the court will not approve a new map where a district that was considered non-compliant remains substantially the same. I want tge implemented map to be one submitted by the MICRC, which is what the voters aporoved in 2018. I appreciate other concerns that tge Chaldean COI might not be honored, but there us no guarantee that a map drawn by the Master selected by the court would preserve COIs either. The Michigan Constitution does require the MICRC to place high priority on COIs, but only after meeting legal mandates. In this case, the court has said that district 11 did not meet legal requirements. If breaking a COI is necessary to meet legal requirements and create a map that scores well on all metrics, then that is what the MICRC needs to do. As you know, not all COIs could be honored before either.
I do not like this map at all. It splits Sterling Heights in a way that does not make sense. If you are going to split Sterling Heights than you should the same way as the original District 9 along Van Dyke. I also do not like how it has the Pontiac to Southfield District. I don’t like how District 2 includes Taylor. The districts in Detroit also adhere to 8-mile too much. It also scores the same as Cardinal in Partisan Fairness, having an equal efficiency gap as the Cardinal map.
Yousif Y.
This map destroys the Chaldean Community of interest. Please reject it! Thanks Commissioners for all your hard work!
james ward leyerle
This does not seem to keep together the SE Oakland/Woodward Corridor, and subsumes Ferndale into the much larger Detroit community.
Sharon Baseman
I don't like the way this splits our part of Oakland County away and puts it with a big chunk of Macomb County. We really don't have much in common. I like the Heron better because it keeps us with other parts of Oakland County that we have more in common with.
Allen Ralph Wolf
Maybe. Does a good job on partisan fairness but not so good on communities of interest. Birmingham is split in half and the school district is dissected as well.
Amber Andrini
I do not like how the lines are cut up here. There seems to be no reason, not even neighborhood lines, for how these random spots jump out. What's that about? I also don't think that this represents the suburban COIs, the City's COIs, based on the changes and weird configurations. There are other maps that score just as well on partisan fairness, like the much-better Cardinal map.
Stephen Abbott
Eastpointe has more in common with Warren and Detroit than it does with SH. I don't like how the SH section is put together. It hurts the chaldean community, the SH community, etc.
Deborah Rosenman
I am unhappy with how this map splits off part of Bloomfield Township in one Senate district and part in another. Then Birmingham is not with Southfield Township (Beverly Hills, etc.) We are all in the same school district as a common community of interest but not in the same Senate district.
Jamie Roe
Commissioner Szetela, can you explain why you put large numbers of the Chaldean Community, three Chaldean Catholic Churches, and the Chaldean Community Foundation into three seprarte districts? It's almost like you trying to divide the Chaldean Community of Interest. Reject
Shelia A.B.
This map does not respect what the oakland chaldean community has asked for. It chops up the chaldean community in sterling heights and the churches in the region, and then adds in parts of oakland that are not part of the chaldean community. Please do a better job of respecting communities of interest. This map m ay be unconstitutional because it hurts communities of interest in my opinion.
Marie Kazanowski
This map is a poor choice for the communities along the border of these districts. It cuts indiscriminately, with no sense either way. It does not make the effort to properly respect the communities of interest that have spoken up.
Eileen MacDonald
Demonstrates partisan fairness!
Michaela Smith
This map does NOT support the communities and ethnic communities of interest that have madee their voices heard. It does NOT support the chaldean community, does NOT support Arabic community completely, does NOT support all of the Taylor community of interest comments you heard, and does NOT support the Macomb central area that made its voice heard.
Stephen Abbott
As someone who has lived in all threee counties involved, i don't really like how this one groups people of different groups together. hurts voices of groups of interest
Chris Gilmer-Hill
These detroit splits totally ignore COIs and neighborhood boundaries. It looks like suburban districts are grabbing random chunks of detroit to meet an arbitrary quota, which is exactly what got the previous maps struck down
Sarah Abbs
Unsurprisingly, the independent citizens redistricting commission has commissioned an entirely disappointing map in this case. Thankfully, there are much better options made available to them and the people of our great state.
Brent B
This does not respect the chaldean community of interest
Brent B
This would be bad. Sterling heights shouldn't be with eastpointe. That doesn't respect communities of interest for the central macomb community