My Districting | MICHIGAN
Enterprise Redistricting Software & Services by Citygate GIS
062424_SD_COL_V1 Crane A1
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Current Map Zoom: 8
2020 Census PL 94.171 Data
Number of Comments Displayed (Zoom in to show less): 0
Ruth Johnson (CDAD)
Where may I find the legal description for Crane A1? I want to see how redistricting affects Detroit neighborhoods.
Lukas Lasecki
This generally looks a lot cleaner than the prior map, with boundaries following city lines more closely. I am personally not pleased with Farmington/Hills being combined with Livonia and Northville, however. Will be interested to see how this affects partisan composition.
Judith A Maiga
Completely unfair and no way to justify this change to a district you were not asked to change when other options existed. You didn't have to get the numbers from wyandotte.
Judith A Maiga
Wyandotte got the shaft. Completely unncessary and not justified.
Lauren Lisi
Again you are splitting Warren. My friends in Warren are not fans.
Deborah Bohm-Rosenman
Not happy to see how Warren and Sterling Heights are divided up.